Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Who's the extremist?

So New York's butthead Senator Schumer was busted yesterday, telling his dem buddies to always use the term "extremist" in regard to those in congress who are attempting to spare the nation from total economic destitution.

So we can only assume that Mr. Schumer believes it's a good thing to ruin the nation.

And please consider this: The United States is a constitutional republic (NOT a democracy, thank you), and has been forever free market capitalist. In fact, the U.S. has always been an economic powerhouse -- astoundingly innovative, incredibly wealthy, and enjoying a pretty high level of personal freedom due precisely to our commitment to limited government intervention in our lives.

So people who now want to preserve those values and principles are to be called "extremist"?

The people who want to destroy the free market and capitalism, who seek to turn US corporations into wards of the state -- like GE (Edison, I'm sure, is rolling in his grave) -- enslave us all under the burden of crushing and unsustainable debt, tell us what to eat for dinner, what books we should read, censor the media -- including the Internet -- and which makes war without so much as a "by your leave" to congress or to any private citizen that I know of -- these people are not "extremists"?

These people are more like fascists than anything else. People with no brains, guided by blind ambition, and  "enforcing" their bullshit with the big fist of threatened prosecution.

These dems, lead by Schumer and like-minded anti-life blockheads, want to turn the U.S. into some kind of socialist nanny state.

All of us little peons out here, every time we get hungry, are supposed to turn our glazed and brainless eyes to Washington and ask not only for food stamps, but for menu suggestions.

But that's not "extremist."

Schumer and other like-minded blockheads, want to strip of us not only our political rights, but also all of our self-respect and dignity as individuals. But that's not extremist?

Schumer and other like-minded blockheads, believe they are easily ten or twenty times smarter than everyone else. They feel compelled -- no doubt out of the goodness of their granite hearts -- to "take care" of all of us stupid morons who labor daily in the fields.

Adding insult to real, tangible, and almost incurable injury, Schumer and other like-minded blockheads, are rehearsing their patter.

"Tell them the Tea Party are 'extremists,'" Schumer says. "That should scare the socks off of 'em. Not like us, who only seek to take all their money, devalue their property, annihilate their children's futures, and turn the US into a backwater swamp."

Yeah, Schumer -- and other like-minded blockheads -- we can't tell the difference between your slick, manipulative bullshit and real life. Is that what you think?

Maybe Schumer and other like-minded blockheads ought to take a little walk outside the Beltway -- which is booming, by the way, due to the feds selling out US autonomy to the Red Chinese -- and take a good look at exactly how much misery and destruction you all have wrought with your irrational, ill-considered, fantasy political and economic policies.

Honestly, what will save America is the fact that the general American population is not half as blind and stupid as Schumer and other like-minded blockheads.

How did this scumbag get elected? Why does he stay in office? New York, you got some 'splaining to do.

Save the Republic.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Illinois: the worst of all possible worlds?

Interesting. My home state, Illinois, is so incredibly blockheaded and so driven by "closed shop" unionism and political corruption that rather than postpone the next "I know, we can tear up the highways around O'Hare Airport again" project to buy votes, Illinois shoved through a tax increase in the middle of the night.

Yeah, buttheads. You wouldn't want the citizens to find out about that.

At any rate, so today there's some interesting news. Caterpillar Corp., which produces a good portion of the heavy equipment used to build highways and so on worldwide, is considering leaving Illinois. Because of the increase in the corporate tax. Exactly because of the increase in the corporate tax.

Caterpillar employs 23,000 here -- and more than 100,000 globally.

The Comrade delivered a campaign speech at a Caterpillar plant before he was elected. He was then promising all kinds of prosperity and a whoop-de-do lifestyle for anyone stupid enough to misunderstand the term "redistribution of wealth." ("Obama gon' pay my mortgage! Obama gon' buy me gasoline!")

The next time the Comrade showed up at Caterpillar to deliver a speech, the president of Caterpillar was not impressed. He was giving off vibes like the only reason Caterpillar hosted this photo op was because the Secret Service made them do it. However, the Caterpillar exec made it very clear -- at least to those of us in Illinois -- that he did not support the Comrade or his stupid stimulus or his pie-in-the-sky promises of manna falling from the heavens the moment he got elected.

So now comes the Illinois tax increase. So many useless, unionized workers, so little money in the treasury! What to do?

"I know!" says blockhead Gov. Pinhead Quinn, "Let's not just raise the income tax, but also the corporate tax! We'll make those suckers pay for doing business here!!"

So now Caterpillar is talking about pulling up stakes and moving to South Dakota, which has no corporate tax.

Actually, Illinois' fastest-growing industry over recent years seems to be riverboat casinos. I have no idea why we can't have any casinos here on dry land. All the casinos are on these huge boats that are permanently anchored in the Mississippi River, Lake Peoria, the Fox River. I don't get it, but there it is.

Anyway, Illiinois' illustrious State Assembly, being devout nanny-staters self-ordained to make life so difficult that you actually WANT to die, decided to ban smoking cigarettes in the casinos here.

However, legislators announced today that they are going to re-think that brilliant policy, as it seems  gamblers have discovered that they can leave the state and go to casinos in Iowa, Wisconsin, and Indiana -- and Las Vegas and Atlantic City -- that continue to allow smoking.

So apparently the casino business also has landed in the crapper, along with Caterpillar.

Seems Illinois has become the worst of all possible worlds. Not only does the state steal your money without a second thought, it also constantly wags a bony finger in your face, reminding you that they know so much better than you do how to live your life.

So big business and individual citizens alike are leaving the state.

Hate to say it, but I toldya so.

And Illinois has tried so hard to live up to the Comrade's expectations... Oh, but wait!! It did!!

Like the results?

Save the Republic.

"Our" values, Comrade?

Didn't see all of the Comrade's speech last night. Frankly, I can't watch him for too long. Really can't stand the sight of him anymore.

However, he made a few comments that struck me as very screwy.

First, he says the USA can't allow Kadaffy to kill his own people. Somebody had to stop it.

He said essentially, the US's concern for the Libyan rebels -- and apparently other rebels, everywhere -- is what makes America exceptional.

No that's not it at all. What makes America exceptional is our Constitution, our commitment to recognize and preserve individual rights.

The big heart -- if that's what you want to call it -- has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Then he yammered on about the big coalition with Europe. NATO will lead the efforts in Libya.

NATO is the USA and a half-dozen friends. Just about the same friends who led the initial attack. So it does't look like there's going to be any big change, really in who's running the thing in Libya.

But he did seem proud that this is a "collective" effort.

Animal Farm demonstrated a "collective" effort, Comrade. Nothing to be proud of, really, especially if/when it might involve putting US military and resources at the disposal of heaven-only-knows-who.

Then at the end, he talked about how all of this reflects "our" values After spending the first 20 minutes demonstrating that he doesn't understand US values at all.

So... His comments weren't worth much more effort on my part.

Save the Republic.

Monday, March 28, 2011

We've fought other "limited" military actions....

"Those who refuse to heed the lessons of history are condemned to relive it," Comrade.

Don't you find it interesting that Comrade Butthead has committed the USA to yet another war -- after flying all over the world, kissing the asses of foreign leaders, but failing to mention this proposed operation to congress or the American people?

Well, what should we care? It's just our money, our families dying. We don't have any reason to be concerned, not with Comrade Butthead at the helm. The important thing is that Comrade Butthead must be able to bow to the grand high poobah of Saudi Arabia or someplace. The role of citizens in this scenario is to shut up and put up. Is that it?

There's some silly bitch on TV right now, assuring us all that "We'll give you all the information you need, just as we did with the health reform bill" and "This isn't a crisis, it's a limited military action."

Apparently this individual is a blockhead and assumes we're all blockheads. Too bad I didn't get her name.

The last "limited military action" the US was engaged in, that I recall, unfolded in a place called "Vietnam." It went on for about 17 years with no let-up, and ended only due to the threat of revolution internally in the USA -- a threat that my generation, judging by the attitude of asshole Bill Ayers, has yet to recover from.

And I'm sure the blockheads in the federal government will give us all the information we need. Sure they will. After they relieve us of our incomes and kill all of our kids. Then we'll get an explanation.

Yeah, just like socialized medicine. "We have to pass the bill to find out what's in it."

Who the fucking hell are these people? And how did they get into any positions of authority in the USA?

And Comrade Butthead can blow it out his ass for all I care. I'm immune to his cheerleadership. Can't stand to this jerk's face anymore.

Save the Republic.

The tamagotchi culture

Know what a tamagotchi is?

It's this little computer about the size of a small pocket watch. When you start it up, it hatches, then you "raise" it, cued by relentless annoying signals. You feed it, change its diapers, play with it, etc. Or it gets sick and dies.

These are toys that are supposed to teach kids responsibility. They're also banned by some school districts as being major distractions for school kids. But most kids sort of forget about them after a couple days or maybe a week or two. The manufacturer has started putting in "pause" features and stuff like that.

Anyway, it occurs to me that the USA has become a tamagotchi culture.

Thomas Sowell, in a book called The Vision of the Anointed: Self-congratulation as a basis for social policy, noted that liberals consistently regard black voters as something like "mascots." Holding them as hopelessly inept tap-dancers and whatever who can be depended upon to vote loyally liberal and who go through life incapable of doing anything for themselves and without a federal handout.

In other words. as liberals see it, black voters are tamagotchis. Totally pathetic. Perennially in need of aid. Many American Indian tribes fall into the same category.

And please note, this isn't necessarily how blacks or American Indians see themselves. And as usual with liberal thought, it doesn't have to reflect the reality of the situation.

It just gives liberals some kind of "noble" reason for bankrupting the USA on social programs that cripple the public, enabling misbehavior and irresponsibility.

But apparently since we've elected a black president, it's increasingly difficult for liberals to regard blacks as hapless, helpless victims that need to be coddled and babied and sheltered lest they get sick and die.

Instead, we've got both domestic and foreign muslims to worry about. And the palestinians at least -- with their overwhelming self-pity and constant whining -- seem to relish this role.

Careful, muslims everywhere, you're about to be turned into a faceless -- yet helpless and victimized -- political football that congress can kick around and use to inspire guilt in their cohorts -- all towards the end of ruining the USA. I suspect the more evil muslims -- the murderous terrorists -- already know this and are happy to assume this role, the same way Van Jones "inspires" his brainless followers to regard themselves as stupid and incapable of taking care of themselves and in need of assistance from some authority in government.

I don't know, I find this all rather insulting. I resent the feds' attitude that I need to be turned into a tamagotchi with things like socialized medicine and a tax on soda pop.

And really, who the hell are the people in the federal government -- who can't manage their own finances and have over-spent the budget by not just a couple millions, but by TRILLIONS of dollars -- who the hell are they to tell anyone else how to live? I mean, they've proven that addressing real life issues is something they haven't yet got a handle on, and they're giving us advice? Please....

Thomas Jefferson said in a letter, "If man is not capable of ruling himself, how then can be fit to rule others?" This is something Glenn Beck is fond of quoting, but apparently he doesn't realize it came from Jefferson.

Anyway, that's it for now.

Save the Republic.

As long as we can dance

I've developed this strange habit of looking up old TV shows (Johnny Carson, Carol Burnett) on YouTube when life gets just too depressing. Also, I love Bob Hope, Ray Charles, Frank Sinatra and the rest of the Rat Pack -- and clips of all of them are also on YouTube.

This all started when somebody sent me a comedy clip from an old TV show, and also looking for one or another particular old song to listen to. Now I just sort of gravitate to this stuff when I begin to feel like the USA has been sucked into this black hole of socialism (and can't get out.)

Being American -- and especially if you're under 50 years old -- you may not be aware of how wonderful American culture used to be. Even during WWII, we had Glenn Miller -- "In the Mood," "Chattanooga Choo-choo," and other songs. We had Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers -- "Puttin' on the Ritz" and "Dancing Cheek to Cheek," with feathers escaping from Ginger's dress -- we had "Captains Courageous" and "Boom Town."

What do they all have in common? This incredible sort of buoyancy. Go ahead, world, fall apart. We'll be OK. As long as we can dance.

Now, instead, we have "gangstahs" mumbling swear words and tkn' 'bout wasting their biyatches, and the movies, well, as David Letterman used to say, "Blow up real good." Apparently targeted to the under-12 audience, because these masterworks get pretty damn tedious if your life experience extends beyond that scandalous page of Facebook that everyone saw. And no one would sit next to you in the lunch room.

Anyway, so I was looking at something about Sammy Davis, I think. YouTube has a clip of him performing "Mr. Bojangles" that's really good, even with Japanese or Korean translation at the bottom. There's also this very moving clip of Michael Jackson singing "You Were There" at Sammy's 60th show biz anniversary. And just tons and tons of other stuff.

Happened to look at commentary on one of these pages, and I'm sorry, I don't recall exactly which one. But somebody from Germany or France, or may Japan or Korea, left this little message:

"When is America coming back?"

Made me cry.

Save the Republic.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

What, no IRS?

Hey, with all the hoopla about Libya, I totally lost sight of the fact that the federal government is going to shut down on April 8. This is because Pazza Pelosi and her lackeys failed to even submit a 2011 budget last year -- even shopaholics get fed up, I guess -- so there's no funding for the feds this year.

Then the Republicans won the House back in November, with a very strong public mandate to cut federal spending. So the Republicans submit budgets to cover the feds through the end of October this year, all of them chock full of budget cuts. But all they've managed to the dems to agree to so far are "CR," continuing resolution budgets that keep the lights on for a couple weeks each.

The latest 2011 budget the Republicans in the House have submitted includes something like $61 BILLION in cuts. The bill got through the House and has support of Republicans in the Senate. However, the dems in the Senate are divided. After all, the dems witnessed the slaughter of the November election, so many of them are trying to restrain from going hog wild and busting the country. However, their leadership -- irresponsible assholes like New York's Chickenshit Schumer and Dickhead Durbin from Illinois, as well as clueless Nero Reid -- want to encourage spending the USA into total bankruptcy. So there's a stalemate.

The dems, I think, want to see the federal government shut down. They believe the whole nation will go, "Oh my God, what will we do without them?" They think it just might help their pathetic standing in the polls. They think the nation will applaud, seeing them rush in with trillion-dollar spending bills to "save the day." (More like "spend the day," really.)

When actually, after the first two and half years of the Comrade's term we're really all going, "Thank God the government will shut down before they stop us on the highway and steal our lunch and gas money, too!"

And you realize, of course, that all this shucking and jiving is just about a budget for this year -- from now to the end of October. My sweetheart, Paul Ryan, is right now working to put together a budget for 2012, and the 2012 budget will have the big policy changes (hopefully) and the major restructuring of the US's tamagotchi-like entitlement programs, etc. The big policy changes necessary to address Social Insecurity and Medicare just can't be included in the 2011 -- just not possible. In those cases, policy and not just a budget have to be considered.

'Course, the Republicans could push something through the way the dems jammed socialized medicine through. But possibly the Republicans just don't have quite the same stomach for destroying legislative processes in the way the dems did.

So anyway, the fed's latest two-week allowance runs out on April 8. If the dems fail to get anything through the Senate by that time, the federal government will shut down. However, the military will continue to be funded, Social Insecurity and Medicare will continue to be paid. But bye-bye National Endowment for the Arts and the $32 BILLION high-speed rail boondoggle. Aw, gee....

So I'm hoping the IRS is on the list of "non-essential" services. Imagine, a week before the bloodred-letter day of April 15, and the IRS will be on vacation!

And while the fed is closed for business, maybe the oil companies should just go ahead and drill, since their babysitters in the overfed. bloated, gouty executive branch won't be available to do much on the permit paperwork. Maybe all those billions the Comrade wants us to hand over to Brazil to develop its oil production resources, so that we can hand over even more cash to them to buy our own damn Gulf oil back from them, also will fail -- no government ankle-biters to implement this useless, crazy-ass giveaway scheme.

Don't you just love it!

As I said before, Shut 'er down!

Save the Republic.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Two wolves and a sheep

OK, here's the problem with democracy: it is, essentially, two wolves and sheep voting on what to have for dinner.

That's an old joke, but true. It also the highlights what's so exceptional about the USA. This is not a democracy, but a constitutional republic based on the idea of individual rights. See, in the two wolves and a sheep thing, does the sheep really have any rights? Not if it's a minority, no. But in the USA, we believe in "equal rights."

Get it, Comrade? Pazzo? Nero? Weiner? Slappy Joe?

See, the U.N. consists of virtually hundreds of wolves and one sheep -- who happens to be the only member with a competent military organization. So the wolves get together and determine that the sheep should fix things in Libya. And probably everywhere else so the wolves can spend their time and energy burning down banks and trading carbon offsets... in their spare time, after they retire at 35 or whatever.

But interesting that the Comrade looks to the U.N. to determine foreign policy for the USA.

And, frankly, more than a little scary.

Hannity pointed out tonight, talking to John McCain, the key flaws in the Comrade's screwed-up approach to foreign policy. Hannity noted how Bush -- and others before him -- set an objective, made a plan, and then approached the U.N. and other allies for support.

The Comrade and Hillary approach the U.N. for support, compel a U.S. air strike, and will spend the next several years trying to figure out an objective and hammer out a plan.

And while Hannity was debating this, the "crawl" at the bottom of the TV screen read something like: U.N. has agreed to meet to discuss terms for talks on Libya.

Yeah, that sounds like progress. So I suppose topping the agenda will be a six-month debate on whether delegates should sit at a round or a square table. Hey, that's about as far as we got in "negotiations" with the North Vietnamese over a decade. I mean, I'm not making this stuff up.

So when is the next presidential election, again? I'm starting a countdown.

Save the Republic.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Another way to drain the treasury

Wll, looks like the Comrade found another way to drain the US Treasury: Get involved in a military action in which we have very little stake, and which had no clear beginning and has no clear end.

A few weeks back I suggested taking Kadaffy out. Libya is not the problem; Kadaffy is. I doubt the Libyans would continue to fight if Kadaffy suddenly disappeared.

So instead of a couple clean, unannounced shots to get rid of the dude, the Comrade waits for France and England to get involved, and then allows them to pressure the USA to "do something." Everything but take Kadaffy out, that is.

No, let's just keep all the evil wannabe dictators alive and kicking (and kicking and kicking) so we can be involved in a third "military action" with no end in sight.

And exactly what happened to the French and British taking over this operation? England is certainly capable of it, though I don't believe France has been involved in a "military action" since WWII and that ended very badly for them -- until the USA got involved.

But there's a real simple way to bring about the end to this stupid conflict in Libya: waste Kadaffy.

Nobody will do that. It's guilt that got Europe and the Comrade involved in this (oh, those poor overwhelmed rebels) and it's the same guilt that won't allow them to implement the obvious solution: take Kadaffy out.

Otherwise, this whole affair is beginning to look like the Comrade just found another sewer into which he can pour more US debt.

And that maybe was the true object of this exercise to begin with.

The UN votes for the US to take care of it. Hey... you know how people get power? Idiots give it to them.

Yet they whine about US "imperialism." No, sonny, I don't think so. It's quite apparent that the US has absolutely no freakin' idea about how to be imperialist.

Let Europe do it. This was all their idea, wasn't it?

Save the Republic.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Everything I need to know, I got from the movies

A while back, John Huston made this movie called "The Man Who Would Be King," based, I believe, on a story or a poem or something from Rudyard Kipling. The movie was about these two guys -- Sean Connery and Michael Caine, who are AWOL or cashiered or something from the British military in India, then decide to lead a personal campaign of conquest through what now would be Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc.

The Connery-Caine Dynamic Duo are very successful at first. The populations in the area is largely tribal and they all hate each other. Why? The reason is common among just about every tribe: "They piss upstream of us." Every tribe and village, therefore, is eager to march and conquer their neighbors, apparently so that they can pollute the streams themselves.

Has anything changed since then? By "then," I mean, since the days of Rudyard Kipling and the Brits in India.

One big thing, oil was discovered in some sections of the Middle East and north Africa, so a few of the sheiks and tribal "kings" got very rich. They allowed western industrialists to come in and drill for the oil, construct pipelines, and in a few cases, oil refineries. Then the westerners turned over ownership and control to the sheiks and tribes. But even today, westerners are confined to only a few tourist-oriented areas of Saudi Arabia; and in places like Libya or even Morocco (which has no oil, but is on the African side of the Straits of Gibraltar) westerners wander away from the bazaars and Intercontinental hotels entirely at their own risk. And it remains a risk.

So a few sheiks and others got really, really rich. A few of them built schools (madrases?) and hospitals, monolithic hotels and casinos for the other members of their tribe and guests from the Outside World. Other tribes, perhaps like the Palestinians, just sat and stagnated, whining that nobody loves them. Eventually these guys discovered that westerners are guilt-driven and susceptible to the whining. And, failing to inspire sufficient pity, some clever and devious members of these tribes resurrected the ages-old concept of abduction, hostage-taking, etc. etc., and rose to positions of leadership.

(You know, the word "mafia" is from the Arabic. The ancient Sicilians learned a lot from the Arabs.)

But has anything else changed? Well, there's Israel, a tiny bulwark of western civilization surrounded by loony, whining -- and armed -- tribes. Interesting that these tribes get their arms from the west, too. I mean, really, Hillary, does the Gaza Strip need $5 million to try to buy patriot missiles on the black market? Or do you really believe Hamas is importing baby formula and Bandaids with that money?

Also, Egypt, and perhaps also Libya enjoys certain groups of educated and somewhat enlightened merchants and technicians. These are probably the people who are causing all the trouble now -- but are they attracting others for the cause of really advancing development of their nations, or are they merely latter-day tribesmen reaching out to establish their own little kingdoms?

Who knows? Anyone know? The Comrade -- and others in Europe -- just can't stand to watch them killing each other.

If you look at history beyond something like "The Man Who Would Be King," a certain protocol for development does exist. It goes something like:

  • The tribes are broken up mainly by each other. They beat each other up, break off the noses of each other's statuary, seize each other's assets, and rape each other's women.
  • Some "giant" comes along who has some real knowledge of military tactics, or at least enough creativity to redeploy existing destructive resources in very effective ways. He takes over the whole region.
  • Nobody likes waiting on this guy, so eventually he's toppled and a period of chaos ensues. More wars, mostly local, and often "civil" in nature, and especially vicious.
  • Finally it occurs to somebody that no one person is going to be victorious here, so they might as well figure out some way to get along without killing each other.
  • That's where John Locke, Voltaire, Jefferson, Washington came into the picture in the West. 

The West has already fought these stupid battles, you know? For example, there's this other movie called "War Games," with Matthew Broderick, directed by John Badham, where this teenaged computer hacker breaks into a military computer and triggers some kind of doomsday machine. The only way to stop the inexorable march to complete destruction is to teach this computer how to play Tic-tac-toe, where eventually it figures out that nobody wins.

If the Middle East and Africa -- and every other third-world armpit -- has any brains at all, they'll learn from the bitter and useless destruction that Europe has perpetrated upon itself for the last 2,000 years and leap-frog to the end of the story, which is not really democracy, but the recognition and protection of individual rights.

History indicates that, as in physics, for every action there is an equal reaction. So Iran, for example, gets some level of civilization. And then the Shi-ites and imams go berserk and rush to re-establish some sort of traditional social-political order. Usually that doesn't last, though, because the general population has had a taste of enlightenment, and they can't really un-learn it. I mean, why would you insist on cooking dinner over a fire of cow dung when you can buy a microwave oven?

So all this crap that's going on the Middle East and north Africa seems to be either in the mold of Iran -- the "one step backward" part of development -- or it's moving toward a genuinely enlightened order that's based on the sanctity of the individual.

Which is it? Nobody really knows.

But, sure, let's go bomb the crap out of Kadaffy. 'Cause, really, no matter what the result is, he's a dangerous lunatic.

'Course, he might be replaced by an even more dangerous lunatic, like Abracadabrajab (think Napoleon Bonaparte, Adolf Hitler, the "giant" who wants to create a super-state). But who knows?

Save the Republic.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


It's rather strange. Japan is a complete mess. The U.N. -- led by the unlikely combination of France and England -- have voted to do something about Kadaffy. Congress has put the feds on a twice-monthly allowance, and Weiner, the weiner, laments the demise of Click and Clack.

So the Comrade goes to Brazil.


No doubt visiting our deep-water oil platforms down there.

But, hey, jiggers, now's the chance to get a 2012 streamlined budget through.

Save the Republic.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A big dumb ox in the road, or Is the Comrade playing Wisconsin democrat?

Oh, appropos of my last blog, wondering what the hell the Comrade is doing as the world goes up in flames... I think I figured it out.

He's playing "Wisconsin democrat," the game where you just check out and refuse to play unless you get your own way. Like a two-year-old holding his breath.

You know, during the Civil War, one way the Confederates tried to block the Yankees was they'd kill a horse or a cow and leave it in a river to pollute the water supply. In the Kanawha Valley, one of the earlier campaigns, and the only thing McClellan ever won, the Confederates felled trees across the road so the Yankee columns couldn't pass.

The Comrade is doing the same thing. He'll just sit there like a big dumb ox, or like an oblivious 14-year-old, picking his favorites for college basketball, but doing nothing to assist the USA.

We can get along quite well without his sorry butt, as a matter of fact, much better than having him at the helm. But as long as he occupies the White House, he has the power to destroy.

And you know what happened to the Confederates, doncha? Here's a hint: they didn't win.

Sherman is blamed for burning down Georgia, but more often than not, the rebs set their own property ablaze rather than let it fall into Union hands.

And you know what happened to Georgia.

Eventually, this tactic becomes quite blatantly self-destructive.

So if the Comrade isn't going to play, the polite thing is to get his sorry ass out of the road and let the grown-ups take over.

Anybody got any good grounds for impeachment? I think the time has come. Two more years of this bullshit and there won't be anything left to rebuild.

Save the Republic.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

US president is... irrelevant?

A long time ago I wrote in this blog about how difficult it is to change the American middle class. Probably in reference to socialized medicine or some other socialist scheme generated by the White House and the rest of the merry marxists. I said something about how either the nation would become communist -- extremely unlikely -- or the Comrade would become irrelevant -- which seems to be the case.

For various reasons, and similar to most other people, I would guess, I have a little PTSD. All the indefinite but nagging anxiety and a sense of a black cloud hanging over your head, a kind of terrified desperation, is  only stirred up by things like the absolute destruction of the Japanese earthquake and tsunami, the chaos in the Middle East, the impending collapse of the US economy, and gasoline prices hitting $4.00+ a gallon.

Was talking to a friend of mine about this last night. Have to turn off the news or it gets absolutely paralyzing. Like in the days after 9/11, I mainly sat on my couch and cried. And then got really pissed off.

At just about that time, George W was in Manhattan at the ruins, climbed up on a pile of rubble bringing one of the fireman with him, and claimed, "They'll hear from us!"

So nice to know someone cared. Someone with some authority and resources would do what they could to help. They might not solve every problem, but would do what they could to help, and at least not block and regulate and tax us all when we try to do what we could for ourselves.

Somehow, I never got this vibe from the Comrade. Never. Just the opposite. His promises of "transformation" only meant -- "Hey, you Fat Cats! Those of you who actually work everyday in a free labor market and pay your bills! You all are going down!"

That's the message I got. Call it "redistribution" of my pretty damn puny "wealth." Not just my electric bill, my mortgage, my plumbing repair -- but I've got to carry the burden for everyone else as well.

And now since this disastrous winter is winding down and the birds are singing -- and New Jersey and half the upper Midwest is flooding, and our ally Japan is in total catastrophe, and the Middle East is still going all to crazy pieces and taking along with it, the US oil supply -- the Comrade has returned to the links to sharpen up his golf game. So happy for him.

Leadership anyone? The Comrade does not do "leadership," but only "cheerleadership." He rouses the rabble. That's about it. He doesn't offer or even consider any real-life solutions. I mean look at the "budget" he submitted to congress. Does this guy even live in the real world?

I don't really follow "leaders." I don't think most Americans do, as a knee-jerk type of thing. But in really dark and disastrous times, it would be nice to be able to believe that your government was working for you instead of against you, that it shared and would protect your values.

It would be nice to have someone in the White House who gave a damn.

However, as it is, we're better off without the feds at all. So yeah, keep on golfing, Comrade. And stay the hell out of the matters of state.

Save the Republic.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Comrade of China

Apparently the Comrade has been telling people that it would "be easier to be president of China."

Sure would. Putting aside for the moment how much power the president of China really has relative to that country's version of the Politburo, the Chinese president only has to pay lip service -- if that -- to his people. After centuries of waiting on one or another emperor, the Chinese seem to have merely attached the same kind of kowtowing (a Chinese term) to their current head of state. "Jump!" he says. "Exactly how high?" they ask.

But see, Comrade, we have different traditions in the US.

Here, when the Comrade says, "Jump!" a certain number of the population will respond immediately, no questions asked, displaying the hammer-and-sickle and photos of Che on their T-shirts. But another -- and much larger -- segment of the population will answer with, "Sure. I'm just waiting for hell to freeze over, then we'll be all set. OK? And have a nice day." Rolling their eyes, muttering something about the next election.

In fact, those traditions that are distinctly and exceptionally American appear to elude the Comrade all together. He doesn't understand that America and Americans are any different from, say, Greeks burning down banks because they can't retire at age 50 anymore, or rabid packs of British students who might have to pay their own higher education expenses. Or bused in union-members-for-a-day beating tom-toms in Madison, Wisconsin.

The Comrade just doesn't get it.And not only does he not get it, he works actively -- very actively -- to cripple any sense of personal responsibility among the American public.

"Never mind about the deficit, just take this wad of cash and vote for me," he says.

But somehow, the great mass of dunderhead American citizens go, "Uh, what was that? What cash? You have cash? Where, exactly, did you get that cash?" Groping in back pockets and handbags to check their wallets.

Yes sir, much easier to be president of China. Why don't you try it, Comrade? I'm sure you can replaced here. And have a nice day.

Save the Republic.

...But he's THEIR murdering thug

Looks like the beginning of yet another foreign policy mess as John Kerry, Dick(head) Durbin, Can't-Keep-It-Zipped Clinton and several other dems, mainly, are clamoring for the US to provide a no-fly zone in Libya. Such a thing would require, first of all, knocking out all of Libya's air capacity, including trying to smash up all their military aircraft, blow up airport runways, etc. etc. That's pretty much how you enforce the concept of "no-fly."

Seem strange that the most dove-ish in congress want to ensnare the US in yet another war? Guilt-driven, the idiots promoting this notion are engaging in their fantasy of the US as the Great White Knight paving the Road to Liberty. Until it all goes sour.

Unfortunately, this Great White Knight thing just hasn't worked very well for the US so far -- except possibly in Iraq, but the jury's still out there.

And I can just see it all now. These latter-day gallants charging to support a "democratic" uprising, which, if  successful, has a less than 50-50 chance of avoiding being hijacked by islamic radicals, who, in turn, will turn around and jump up and down for Al-Jazeera and fire off automatic weapons, and harangue their young in the madrases to go blow up the US.

And when they do, our dem hawks, hell-bent on their version of "making the world safe for democracy," will stand up on the floor of the Senate one day and claim that it was all Mitch McConnell and John Boehner's fault. I mean, twice is a pattern and three times, it becomes a trend, you know? Pretty predictable.

And, Senator Kerry, if any situation looked like a potential Viet Nam.... How quickly they forget what they claim to believe in.

The thing is, though Kadaffy is clearly insane and a ruthless, murdering thug, he's THEIR murdering thug. Let the Libyan rebels take care of him. They aren't doing such a bad job so far. And while Kadaffy is without doubt a crazy murdering thug, he's still a muslim, he belongs to that world and that culture, and why should we give him an external enemy to rally around?

You know what they'll say: the US is there only because of the oil. And frankly, I can't think of a single reason anyone would involve themselves with Libya except for the oil.

It's like cops get a call for a domestic dispute. They go to the house, find that a drunken husband had smacked his wife with a golf club. So they clap cuffs on the guy and take the wife to the hospital for a few stitches over her eyebrow. She'll be safe for the night, and the cops advise her to come down to the station next day to swear out a warrant... and hopefully, maybe also see a divorce lawyer.

So the wife never shows up. The next time the cops see her, it's when they're called to the house again to for a domestic dispute.The cops clap cuffs on the guy, and ask the wife if she plans to swear out a warrant this time.

"Well, he's the father of my children...." "Well, he's always provided for us..." Confronted with the threat of independence, the wife suddenly regards regular beatings as something she can live with.

So the cops become the bad guys. The cops are the ones breaking up the family. The cops started this whole thing.

So Kadaffy is beyond any doubt a demented, power-made, narcisstic and probably schizoid murdering thug. But he's LIBYA's murdering thug.

And they can have him. Let them resolve this on their own.

Save the Republic.

Friday, March 11, 2011


"Hubris" is a word I learned in relation to Greek and Roman mythology. It means, basically, that someone has got too big for their britches, thinking they run things, they can control everything. Like the IPCC, for example.

Just when the IPCC and like organizations had global warming all figured out, the old earth starts cracking apart with earthquakes and volcanoes for reasons that are still largely unknown to any of us so far, or least unpredictable.

Heard about the earthquake in Japan -- 8.9 on the Richter scale -- earlier tonight. Then had to work. Turn on the TV a couple hours later and watched what seemed at first computer graphics of a huge tsunami in Japan, only to learn it was a video of the real thing.

Good grief. Now the entire Pacific Rim and even Hawaii and the West Coast of the USA, including Alaska, are under a tsunami warning.

I wrote a long time ago that I could not accept the idea of human-caused global warming after seeing the Rocky Mountains, imaging the force that created those. Compared to that, even the A-bomb looks pretty puny and pathetic.

Tell me the human race could set off anything like an 8.9 quake? I don't think so. I think we're more like ants swarming and scurrying, building what turns out to be fairly shoddy and relatively insignificant ant hills on the brittle crust of the planet. And we're just as vulnerable as ants, no matter how we dig and scrape and pump.

Hope the tsunami warnings are sufficient to save lives, but I imagine the damage will be frightful. And not much the human race can do about but try to get to high ground.

We're really not in control here. We've just barely mastered agriculture and mining. All the rest is hubris, and Mother Nature seems very anxious to remind us of that.

Save the Republic.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

On Wisconsin

Well, looks like Gov. Walker of Wisconsin and those legislators who did show up for work managed to stand pat and get the collective bargaining laws for public employee unions changed.

Haven't read the detailed reports yet and could be wrong, but it seem they separated the union collective bargaining measures from the appropriations bill and no longer needed the quorum majority required for a tax bill.

And right now dozens of crazy lunatics are "storming" the Capitol Building in Madison.

Well, Anne Coulter was on Hannity's TV show last night, just furious that Gov. Walker and the Wisconsin Republicans hadn't been out in full public relations gear, pennants flying, exposing all the crap the unions have been getting away with in Wisconsin. Coulter pointed out that seven bus drivers in Madison made $100,00.00 or more in 2000. On TV, she noted that public union members can claim 30 minutes of time-and-a-half pay if their boss calls them at home after hours.

Wisconsin begins to look more and more like Bell, California, that village where the city manager "voted" to give himself an annual salary of close to $1 million.

All I can say is, man, have I been in the wrong business.

Interesting, too, that the federal government doesn't allow the same kind of collective bargaining that Wisconsin and other states have been burdened with.

Anyway, I'm so tired I can barely type. Just wanted to lay a big wet sloppy kiss on the Wisconsin Republicans.

They shall not be moved. And they'll Save the Republic.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Shut 'er down!

Listening to Mark Levin the other night when both Reps and dems failed to support a bill to cut about $2 billion from the federal government. Apparently the dems, like drunks on a spree, want to spend until OUR pockets are empty. The Reps didn't seem to think the cuts were enough.

In the words of Mark Levin: "JUST CUT!!'

Now professional stooge and, apparently, some-time rodeo clown Nero Reid stands up in front of the Senate and delivers this truly, profoundly blockheaded plea to preserve federal funding of the Cowboy Poetry Festival. Nero claims the festival brings joy to "tens of thousands" of people.

Only the federal government could hold an event for tens of thousands of people and FAIL to figure out some way to get the attendees to pay for it. Anyone with even a fractional brain could profit on something like this. How 'bout $5.00 a carload, or truckload, or tractorload, Nero, sound good? Totally affordable, when people pay $70.00 a seat to see even second-rate pop stars.

Nero is a blockhead. But we already knew that.

Another question: if the congress doesn't extend the federal budget for another two weeks or so, the feds will shut down. However, "essential services," like Social Security and Medicare payments, and military operations, will continue. Apparently it's only "non-essential services" that will be shut down.

So the $13 TRILLION question is: Why do we continue to pay for "non-essential services?"

By definition, these are secondary services, stuff that no one really needs.

So, hey, go ahead, Shut 'er down!

Just think of how much money we'd save every day with no federal government riding our backs. Let's keep it shut down $13 TRILLION worth. How's that? Let's get rid of this deficit.

And the thing is, no one would really miss it, except we might all experience the ecstasy of a "new birth of freedom." Small business would flourish. We'll all be so much better off. A shut-down would bring joy to not just tens of thousands, but to hundreds of millions of people. And it won't cost a cent.

So, yeah, SHUT 'ER DOWN!

Save the Republic.

How to solve the energy crisis

Well, members of the Comrade's administration, that is several merry marxists, are held in contempt of court for refusing to process requests for permits to re-open and continue drilling oil wells in the Gulf of Mexico. A federal judge ordered the marxists to do their jobs and they refused. Perhaps these "officials" are on a roof top in L.A. with Charlie Sheen -- just too busy "winning" to do their paperwork.

Here's something we can do to compel the Comrade and his little green elfin friends to stop obstructing the life of the nation -- make them pay for their own fuel.

That's right. See that entourage of lobbyists and others (in many cases, czars) surrounding Comrade Butthead? Yeah, they pay to fill up all those limos, all that aircraft. They pay for it themselves. No more expense accounts.

Want to keep floodlights on all night on the White House lawn? Comes out of the Comrade's paycheck, along with the rest of the electric bill.

EPA's Carol Browner-n-browner pays all the energy bills for her HQ and other crummy operations across the US. For all her travel. For EPA web sites. Comes out of her pay.

Take it out of your pay, you silly buttheads. Pay for it the way the rest of us do, and maybe it will begin to dawn on you that wind and solar just won't cut it. Wind and solar are, at best, very primitive technologies. Kinda like if we all had fire pits in the living room, and struck flint and steel to get them going overnight.Wind and solar cost too much and fail to show an adequate return-on-investment.

But then return-on-investment is a foreign term and unknown idea to the people in this regime. The problem is, they've just whined and petitioned the government when they wanted something. None of them have ever had real jobs where they had to produce anything to make a living. If/when they have to start actually producing anything, the scales will fall from their eyes, etc.

The least we can do to assist in their maturation is to make them pay their own bills.

More later.Still thinkin' on that terrorist psychology thing, especially in light of the "We are all Muslims today" protest in Manhattan over the weekend. Read a couple pretty good articles by non-Americans about why and how muslim youths become radicalized. Very interesting stuff.

Save the Republic.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

So what about 2012?

Actually, the world is supposed to end in 2012. On 12/12/12. Or possibly 12/21/12, which is probably the winter solstice. That's what this guy told me when he came in to fix the thermostat on my furnace. All the planets will align or something. I thought it came from the Mayan calendar, but why the Mayans would know when the world would end is anyone's guess. More likely they just ran out of stone and figured 12/21/12 was so far into the future, they'd never live to see it anyway.

I don't believe the world will end in 2012, except for the Comrade, because we will get to elect another president.

So, last election I was hoping Newt Gingrich would run, and he hinted he might. However, with "Obamania" overwhelming any sort of rational decision-making in America, Newt never even threw his hat in the ring. He kinda-sorta-half threw his hat in the ring on Hannity the other night. That is, he and Callista have launched an "exploratory" Web site -- probably seeing what kind of reaction he'll get and also to see what kind of funds he can raise. I'm not being crass or cynical here. A presidential campaign takes lots of money.

I love Newt Gingrich. Partly because he stood up to Can't-Keep-It-Zipped Clinton like a pitbull, but also because he (Newt, that is) has an enduring interest in American history and a true and enlightened appreciation for this country. I mean, Newt taught US history before he got into politics. And with a guy named Forshtchen, Newt wrote a US Civil War trilogy -- kind of a what-if -- that was actually pretty good. It replayed the war, beginning with the question, "What if Meade had lost at Gettysburg?" That was the first book in the set.

At the time, I was writing a very different kind of Civil War novel -- mine focusing more on the civilian personal experience of the Civil War -- but I understand all the military stuff. So for days after reading the first book in Newt's trilogy I walked around with a heavy heart and knots in my stomach, depressed and wanting to scream in anguish due to the sacking of Harrisburg and Lee approaching Baltimore. (I was still having my main character's PTSD nightmares about Antietam at the time.)

One nice thing, I sent Newt Gingrich a copy of my novel -- uninvited -- and he sent me back a really nice personal thank you. I really appreciated that.

But I also truly believe that Newt Gingrich would make an excellent president. I think it's Hannity who keeps saying he'd love to see Newt and the Comrade in the debates. So would I, because I think the Comrade would be a little bit out of his depth in that situation. Newt Gingrich truly knows and understands America; the Comrade does not. The contrast would be unmistakable.The Comrade out there cheerleading like a community organizer, Newt with lots of insight and a broad frame of reference on policy. And respect for the Constitution.

The downside is Newt has a lot of baggage. Or, as the pollsters say, "a lot of negatives." Of course, anyone who actively engages in politics in the US on the conservative side is going to take some heavy fire -- especially from a blatantly liberal media establishment -- and Newt's had some pretty fierce experience. He's also been married three times.

So I kinda hope both the Tea Party and the independents will have given up on the concept of "can't we all just get along" by the time the big nominating conventions come along. I mean, Pazzo and Nero Reid, Howard Dean, Durbin -- the whole miserable crew of merry marxists -- they aren't going to give up. Why work together to fix the nation when they can work to make the "other guys" look bad? I mean, really, as the power-mad see it, there's not much at stake here. For them the only value the US has, really, is as a canvas for their grandiose ambitions.

Anyway, if the Tea Party and the independents are willing to trade harmony for effectiveness by this time next year, Newt will be the best available choice. We will need a fighter and someone with the tools to win -- and that means intelligence and a truckload of political experience.

Then on the same Hannity show where Newt made his semi-announcement, Rudy Giuliani came on, talking about the Middle East and everything else. Rudy reminded us all that the US is still just about the most powerful nation in the world. He noted that while all we hear about is recession and debt, the US economy is still three times the size of Red China's. And Rudy managed to hold it all together on 9/11 as Mayor of New York City -- and postponed the scheduled mayoral election to see the job through.

But Rudy's got the same kind of "negatives" as Newt Gingrich -- and also three wives, if I recall correctly.

But these two guys, either one I could very happily support. To tell the truth, I worry about Mitt Romney's association with socialized medicine in Massachusetts, realizing he couldn't have done that by himself; it was a statewide decision. I love Mike Huckabee, but I think the US right now needs someone with a harder edge. Though Huckabee has never failed to rise to the occasion. He's just such a nice guy....

And anyway, that's it for now. Been reading a lot about terrorist psychology. Stay tuned....

Save the Republic.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Welcome to the funny farm

In stressful times, many people have a tendency to go nuts.

On a minor scale, there's the whack-job running North Korea who just fires off missiles whenever the spirit moves him.

Closer to home and non-political, poor Charlie Sheen blankets TV with interviews that clearly indicate he's in a drug-induced fog of delusions of grandeur. Which, in turn, tend to generate into delusions of persecution -- that paranoia we all here so much about. Poor Charlie. Cocaine destroys brain chemistry, you know? And this also looks just a little bit more like male menopause than the arrival of the Hollywood ubermensch, as he suggests. I just remember Freddie Prinz, John Belushi, Michael Jackson, etc. etc., and afterwards people going, "Where were their families? Couldn't anyone stop them from destroying themselves?" Well, apparently not.

Then, of course, we have the Middle East.

Kadaffy certainly is ugly, isn't he? Heard something very funny. Many European leaders are calling for Kadaffy to step down, finally joined by our Comrade, who hasn't got a clue about foreign relations so usually waits to see what others doing and takes his cue from them. So Kadaffy explains that he's not the head of state. He has no authority. All he ever did was make a revolution, and then he went back to his tent. With a whole army and lots of lethal military devices. He's a real hoot.

Meanwhile, in efforts to change his blood thirsty thug public image, Abracadabrajab in Iran makes a speech where he pretends to be shocked! shocked! that Kadaffy is shooting down his own people. Hey, Abra, look out your window. Seems Kadaffy is following your lead.

The more antsy in our government want the US to "do something." They're sending aircraft carriers and all kinds of things into the Mediterranean. You know what? We don't need another war. Just pull a "Reagan," target Crazy Kadaffy, blast the crap out of him in his tent, then pack up and go home. Know what I mean? I mean, if you must. Half of Kadaffy's "army" has already defected. Without their bonkers boss, they probably won't continue the fight.

Then we have the Mad 14 from Madison. Still holed up in a hotel somewhere. Apparently one Wisconsin legislator -- one who actually showed up for work -- met with the Mad 14 in Kenosha. (I go grocery shopping in Kenosha. This is very local for me. Wonder where they met?) Some of those 14 actually seem to want to go back to Wisconsin and assume their responsibilities. One of them is six months pregnant, so I would guess she's only good for the short term.

Anyway, crowds of loony socialist teenagers continue to mob the capitol. They must be die-hard Astro-Turf, earning their $10.00 an hour. I should check CraigsList. SEIU was running ads on CraigsList for the longest time, looking for "halfwits to carry signs and curse at TV cameras" or something like that. $10.00 an hour. No kidding. 'Course the crazies in Madison don't seem to be SEIU -- or at least they exchanged their purple shirts. But they're still crazy. Still insisting that the governor and the legislature will be able to wring just a few more drops of blood from a budget that's already in the red.

Patsy Cline sang this song time ago that's really a classic now. It's a love song, but it starts out, "Crazy..."


Save the Republic.