Thursday, May 30, 2013

Behaviorial dictates for Obamacare released

Don't know much about this, just saw it on the news, but it seems even though the feds are too incompetent to implement their unworkable insurance exchanges -- apparently preoccupied devising lies and cover-ups -- they have made time to outline a behavioral plan for American citizens. I mean, under socialized medicine, the federal government surely is going to tell us all how to live.

Maybe they should put Bloomberg in charge of that. It seems he doesn't have much else to do.

Under some piece of crap regulation or guideline or policy or blueprint, or some bureaucratic b.s. that's just come out, the feds are "allowing" insurance companies to charge up to 50% more for health insurance policies for people who smoke, are overweight, have high blood pressure, and other stuff, unless they participate in "wellness programs."

In other words, that 15-member Death Panel that sets the rules, has already begun to set the rules for the "proper" way to live.

Got one thing to say: FUCK YOU AND THE ASS YOU RODE IN ON.

Whatever happened to freedom? Personal liberty?

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

When Justice is corrupt, who you gonna call?

According to the Wikipedia dictionary:
A faithful follower or political supporter, esp. one prepared to engage in crime or dishonest practices.
So let's take minute to look at Eric Hold'em's record as Attorney General and head of the US  Department of Justice. Or, as Hold'em seems to regard it, the Department of Social Justice {DOSJ).

Right out of the box Hold'em refuses to prosecute a member of the New Black Panthers who was standing at the doorway of a polling place in Philadelphia, waving a billy club and yammering on and on about "crackers" and "whitey." Hold'em couldn't see how that could be construed as voter intimidation. After all, a black guy was doing it, and to Hold'em, crimes against white people don't seem to count.

Then there was the so-called Fast & Furious operation, where at least three -- and possibly more -- agencies in the DOSJ were "encouraging" smugglers to get AR-15s and similar weapons into the hands of Mexican drug cartels. Apparently this was so that the Comrade and fellow travelers could make a case for gun control in the USA. So Pelosi or Durbin could go, "My God, these weapons are ending up in the hands of Mexican drug lords!" But mainly all that resulted from Fast & Furious was two border guards being killed by Mexican gang members, as well as God knows how many Mexicans who might also have gotten in the gang's way.

Hold'em didn't know anything about this, except, possibly, it was something he inherited from the Bush administration. (Sound familiar?)

Then there was Gibson Guitar Company, which was more or less surrounded by armed, jack-booted law enforcement of some kind -- because Gibson was using imported rosewood in building guitars. Gibson had gone through the whole gnarly legal process to import the exotic wood, but it seems that just wasn't good enough -- not when the owner of Gibson Guitar was known to contribute to Republican candidates.

I understand Gibson was forced to cough up about $300,000.00 for not breaking the law in any way at all, and the company now is suing the DOSJ. Good for them. Hope they win big.

There's been a whole bunch of cases about trying Islamist terrorists in civil courts rather than by military tribunal. That's a legitimate debate -- whether you consider Islamist terrorism an act of war or a simple crime, like shoplifting or something. But really.... picking up a terrorist in Afghanistan or Yemen or someplace and reading him his Miranda rights. Really? Laughing so hard my coffee's shooting out my nose.

I'm sure I'm overlooking a few things, but let's get to the snooping on journalists thing.

It seems a couple years ago, someone -- apparently someone in the FBI, a DOSJ agency -- suspected that journalist James Rosen, from Fox News, was asking people in the federal government for information about North Korea's nuclear program. So the FBI got up a warrant under the 1917 Espionage Act, claiming that James Rosen needed to be spied on -- phones and emails tapped or snooped on somehow -- because he was: A.) subject to potential criminal prosecution (for spying?); B.) a flight risk (he's going to flee the USA with info about the North Korean nuclear program?); C.) I suspect mainly because Rosen is a highly-regarded investigative journalist who once wrote a very thorough and carefully researched and documented book on the Watergate scandal. And he works for Fox.

So Hold'em signed off on these accusations, endorsing them, and due to this, a judge issued the warrant.

Hold'em told congress last week that he never had anything to do with spying on journalists. What journalists? Are there journalists in the United States? Where? When did this happen? And in fact, in another case, when one of the DOSJ agencies wanted to snoop through the phone records of about 100 AP journalists, Hold'em recused himself and had a deputy sign off on it. ("Oh no, you're not getting me to take any responsibility for that one.")

But the fact remains, no matter why or how, Hold'em lied under oath to congress about the James Rosen warrant. As Judge Napolitano on Fox pointed out, either Hold'em lied to the judge who issued the warrant about Rosen, or he lied to congress last week when he said he had nothing to do with it.

And it's just a really weird coincidence how all the lies, dissembling, omissions of duty, bizarre interpretations of the law and everything else this blockhead has done, seems to support the concept of shutting down the opposition -- not even the opposition. Let's just say, these activities all point to keeping any truth or facts from leaking out about the operations of the federal government -- and actively penalizing any remotely possible political opposition. And I should add -- lying and covering up the really nasty stuff like Fast & Furious.

Now Hold'em says he has some kind of "creeping remorse" What the hell is that? Anything like "a thrill up your leg?" Or like Ted Bundy? "Gee, I'm so sorry I got caught."

This bastard needs to go home -- or better, to jail.

We do need law enforcement. We really do. But apparently the DOSJ is so busy strewing rose petals in the Comrade's path that it can't be bothered engaging in the pursuit of real justice. And I'm almost afraid to ponder what "justice" might mean to Eric Hold'em and the Comrade. Who knows what goes on in their heads? Fantasies of marxist policy under sharia law?

I've said it before -- you can't judge them by what they say; you have to watch what they actually DO.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

White House takes "Chavez approach" to media relations

Well, I hope Dan Rather and Chris Mathews are happy -- and Brian Williams and espeically Candy Crowley, who continues to labor at whitewashing White House activities. (Hey, Candy, have you checked? Your phones may be tapped. Or maybe you know they are, and that explains you.) They and many of their cohorts in the national media -- Fox News excluded -- have shown themselves so blindly supportive of this disastrous federal administration that the Whiute House has become completely unfettered in its efforts to control the news and apparently any information related to government activity.

Apart from appropriating the telephone records of apparently a couple hundred AP journalists and editors, the White House -- or the Comrade's henchman, Eric Hold'em at the Dept. of Social Justice -- also "investigated" James Rosen, Fox's chief reporter in Washington. They even "investigated" his parents' telephone records. And it seems that the subpoena they got for this should have assumed some kind of genuinely criminal behavior on Rosen's part -- completely unfounded on anything, and he was never charged with anything.

But wait!! When you illegally "investigate" Rosen, why not double your pleasure and take it to the to the next level? Why stop at one shady subpoena, when DOSJ also "investigated" phone lines throughout the Fox News organization -- all the way up to Roger Ailes.

Similarly, Susan Atkisson, a CBS (I think) news reporter who also criticized the White House -- or actually developed news stories to reveal the truth of its activities -- had her emails or something monitored and scrutinized by the DOSJ.

Puts me in mind of Hugo Chavez, the totalitarian dictator in Venezuela who recently died of cancer -- that his poeple claimed was given to him by the US ambassador there. (These so-caled progressive clowns, wherever in the world they are, believe anything.) When a news outlet in Venezuela protested Chavez's illegal and dictatorial practices there -- his election corruption, terrorizing the Venezuelan legislature, et. al. -- Chavez shut down newspapers that criticized him, along with a TV channel that didn't like his tactics.

For the Comrade, it seems Chavez's actions in Venezuela proved to be a "teachable moment."

Then on the IRS Scandal front, Lois Lerner, who headed up one or another division of the IRS, was summoned to speak at a congressional invesigative hearing today and pleaded the Fifth Amendment. That is, "I refuse to answer the question on grounds that it may inciminate me."

For the last several years, the IRS has been harrassing Tea Parties and other conservative activist organizations who applied for tax exemptions. And in at least one case, they even got OSHA and the ATF to "investigate" one small group that applied -- the group wanted to educate people on the importance of voting. OMG!!! How subversive can you get? Next they'll be driving people to the polls!!! Can America withstand such a violent onslaught?

Lerner was the IRS blockhead who knew the Inspector General's report on the IRS's illegal activities was about to be published, so at a news conference of some kind, she actually planted someone in the audience to ask her about the IRS targeting Tea Parties. She confessed to it and said, gee golly, so sorry about that. Like no one would notice, and certainly the public would forgive such a cute little transgresion -- of the US Constitution and everything this country stands for.

Yeah, Lois, no harm done! Glad to hear you're sorry! We understand. So hard to keep your filthy, lying face out of other's peoples' business. We all have these irresistible impulses to seize dictatorial powers. No harm done, except to 300 million US citizens -- and since they aren't the people in the White House, who really gives a damn?

And interesting for her to stand on the Fifth. That's another kind of confession, isn't it? Her answers may incriminate her? Well, she's a lawyer -- she said she was a lawyer, that's why she isn't good at math -- so she's probably painfully aware of the fact that she probably deserves 10 to 15 at Leavenworth. And hopefully, she'll eventually get it. She'll be abe to wave to Eric Hold'em across the prison yard.

Meanwhile, poor, pathetic Jay Carneybarker, who was actually at one tiume a professional journalist, is spinning so hard at the daily press briefings that he looks like Odette from Swan Lake.

That's it for now. And that's plenty.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Dept of (Social) Justice choses stupidest way to investigate govt leaks

I know it's hard to keep track of the scandals coming out of this White House, but one that especially pissed off the press was the fact that Eric Hold'em's Dept. of (Social) Justice recently seized two months of telephone records from Associated Press in Washington, I assume. The phone records were for hundreds of reporters and editors, and included even their personal phones and cell phones.

The Dept of Social Justice claims they were looking for a "leak." That is, someone in the government who was involved in a highly classified activity, leaked the information to aomeone at AP. AP subsequently -- before publication -- notified the feds that they had the story, and they even agreed to hold publication on it until they got a clearance from the government to go ahead.

But the Dept of Social Justice was still, and probably rightfuly, concerned about who in the federal government is leaking classified information to the press.

So they did some undercover thing, maybe covered by the so-called Patriot Act, and seized all of AP's phone records -- without giving AP any notice. Bear in mind, even with prior notice, there's nothing the AP could do to change or falsify the phone records, which are held by the phone company, after all.

So Eric Hold'em, head of the Dept of Social Justice, says he "recused" himself from this whole thing because he could have been the leaker. He didn't sign the subpoena (if there was one) for the phone records. Eric Hold'em was apparently playing golf with the Comrade that day.

So anyway, this guy name Mike Baker, a Fox contributor, but also a former CIA agent, now owner of a private security company suggested an alternative way to figure out who's leaking without steamrolling over the First Amendment, which guarantees freedom of the press.

Baker says that in a highly classified operation, as this one was, apparently, there might a dozen people in the government who know about it. So why not question and/or polygraph those dozen people about leaking -- rather than trampling on the rights and freedoms of about 200 journalists?

So the Comrade crows about how he's protecting 60,000 troops in Afghanistan and tries to justify this misconduct this way. Of course, he didn't really know anything about it until he read about it in the newspaper or heard about it on TV. Because he's right on top of things.

But, I'm sorry, the way the Dept of Social Justice conducted this "investigation" is kind of like what the IRS has been doing the Tea Parties who applied for tax exempt status. I mean, now the DOSJ knows everyone every AP reporter and editor contacted by phone for a couple of months. Everyone. All of their contacts and the reporters themselves have been compromised. Just like the IRS now knows who ever contacted the Tea Parties, donated money, etc etc.

And the AP was a big pal of the Comrade.

Wonder if they still are.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Obama the national mushroom

Wrote before in this blog explaining the mushroom thing. It was a little poster that was circulated among offices, usually thumbtacked to the wall over the Xerox machine. A cartoon of a mushroom with the caption: "I'm the company mushroom. They keep me in the dark and feed me bullshit."

So apparently the Comrade has become the national mushroom. They keep him in the dark and feed him bullshit... according to Jay Carney and the Comrade himself.

And naturally, the question that follows is: Who are "they?"

But maybe there is no "they" there. Maybe he's just an ignorant dolt who had no experience managing his way out of a paper bag, ever, in his whole life, and so things occurring beyond the Rose Garden just got away from him. Unless all this has happened on (somebody's) purpose, God forbid,.

Because it seems the Comrade has no idea what's going on the State Department, The Treasury, or the Department of Justice. And these are all executive branch. All part of the Comrade's charge.

So if he has nothing to do with anything those departments do, and he gets information about things like the criminal behavior of the IRS from network news programs, didn't have an inkling of what went on in Benghazi and just repeated the fiction nobody-knows-who fabricated, and never heard of the FBI spying on the press, exactly what the hell does he do all day?

Golf? I mean, even golf has to get a little tiresome after four and a half years. Tiger Woods isn't always available, and neither is Shaquille O'Neal. I mean, they have jobs to do.

So until we get some facts about the scandals blossoming in Washington DC alongside the cherry trees, I'll take the Comrade's word for it all:

That is, he's blind and deaf, indifferent to world and even domestic affairs, and doesn't give a good goddamn about what goes on outside the Oval Office.

I'm glad I didn't vote for him.

Monday, May 13, 2013

DC corruption worse than you even imagined.

Once upon a time, there was this guy named Martin Neimoller. Not sure who he was or what he did, except for a very well-known couple of phrases he wrote about Nazi Germany:

First they cane for the Socialists, and I did not speak out --
Because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out --
Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out --
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me -- and there was no one left to speak for me.
So things are getting interesting. So many scandals coming out of this regime right now, it's hard to keep up.

I still believe Benghazi is the worst -- the lies, yeah. But beyond the lies, leaving Chris Stevens, Glenn Dougherty, Sean Smith and Tyrone Wood just twisting in the wind. That's an unconscionable disgrace.

And now the IRS has admitted that for the past two years, or even longer, as various organizations have sought 501-4C status as "advocacy groups," because they qualify for certain tax breaks -- the IRS has been looking for groups with nanes that include things like "Tea Party" "Constitution," "9/12 Project" and so forth, and submitting them to special scrutiny. To wit, the IRS has asked these groups to hand over their donor and membership lists.

Kinda like the White House requesting that if you know anyone who really mouths off about the Comrade being a marxist commie bastard, send them the names.

Enemies list? I don't know. What do you think? Maybe the Comrade's just filling up a scrapbook of mementoes from his time in the White House.

But I'm sorry. That inspires me to buy an AR-15 while they're still available.

Additionally, Eric Hold'em -- chief of the Dept of Justice, who is to the Comrade as Stalin was to Lenin, has leaked today that the DOJ snatched up a couple months' worth of telephone records for AP journalists -- their office and home phones, and apparently even if they tried to use a phone booth or something.

Has the AP (Associated Press, founded in time to be around for the US Civil War), been unfriendly to the White House? I don't know. I don't recall any criticism, but then this White House has kind of a hair trigger when it comes to critism. If you're not sitting at his feet and actively peeling grapes, you may be audited.

And why talk about the AP thing now? Maybe to create some kind of chill effect, since the press is starting to awaken from their lovely slumber in Utopia and looking around for a few facts?

There she goes again, comparing the Comrade's regime to Nazi Germany and the USSR.

Yeah. But I'm afraid I haven't been wrong so far, have I?

Who's going to speak for you?

Monday, May 6, 2013

Bogart on Benghazi

Almost nothing the current regime has done struck me, personally, as so being as low as the Benghazi fiasco. They send Christopher Stevens and others out there in some very dangerous outpost amongst people who want nothing more than to kill the American Satan, and then refuse to defend him. The British had pulled out, for God's sake, and not much scares the British.

I've always found it rather touching, and incredibly honorable that the Marines have this thing about not leaving their dead and wounded behind.

But that's exactly what happened to Chris Stevens and those three other guys.

Worse -- to lie about it. Lie about it. "It Wasn't me. I know nothing. I did nothing. I heard nothing."

Honestly, what kind of scum are occupying this federal administration?

They weigh four human lives against their political fantasies and ambitions, and their ambitions are regarded as more important. Like, what? Hillary down in Chile going, "Hey let the sonsabitches die quickly. Just cover it up so it doesn't stand as a black mark against me."

Though I wouldn't have voted for Hillary Clinton two years ago because she is also a disciple of Saul Alinsky, now I'd rather see her at forced service in Benghazi. Despite Pazzo Pelosi's lobbying for Hillary for president. I mean, she's not "Pazzo" for nothing.

At any rate, with a new set of whistleblowers coming out about Benghazi -- and I've already read part of one guy's testimony from CBS -- he's Hicks, who was second in command in the State Dept. contingent in Libya, and was completely in charge after Chris Stevens was killed. He says he was on the phone that night to Washington and elsehwere, trying to drum up aid. So Washington knew all along what was going on. They just refused to help. To even try to help.

God forbid, perhaps they would have offended some bloodyy-minded muslim terrorist. 
And Leon Panetta once claimed this refusal for back-up and support was because he couldn't send the military into dangerous territory. Making me wonder if Panetta hasn't also dropped a few marbles over the course of his federal career. Perhaps he believes the military are just nice to trot out for parades on the 4th of July, like little wind-up toys?

At any rate, I've seen few things more offensive than Hillary Clinton's testimony in congressional hearings on Benghazi. This is her most outrageous statement, in aswer to Wisc. Senator Ron Johnson:
With all due respect, the fact is we have four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest? Or because of guys out for a walk one might who decided they’d go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? It’s our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from happening again.
And how, you stupid bitch, how do you "figure out what happened" when you only lie about it to cover your sorry, incompetent ass?

So, anyway, this reminded me of a point Humphrey Bogart made to Mary Astor in The Maltese Falcon. See, Mary was responsible for his partner's death. Bogart was, maybe, in love with her. She was counting on that -- assuming he would let her go scot-free. He called the cops instead. He explained:
I won’t play the sap for you… You’ll never understand me, but I’ll try once and give it up. When a man’s partner is killed, he’s supposed to do something about it. It doesn’t make any difference what you might think of me, you’re supposed to do something about it. It just so happens we’re in the detective business. When one of your organization gets killed, it’s bad business to let the killer get away with it. Bad all around. Bad for every detective everywhere.
And that's about the best thing I've heard so far as to why the investigation into all the other "ass-clowns" in this administration should proceed. They're an embarrassment -- and a danger -- to the nation.

Obama regime : "Victory of hope over reality"

Watched Fox News Sunday, where Jason Chaffetz and another Rep., Stephen Lynch (D-Mass) "discussed" the everlasting Benghazi fiasco. Lynch fairly well agreed that the whole affair had been badly bungled by the White House, CIA, Secretay of State and Susan whatever -- the wool-over-her-eyes low-level factotum, appearing on the Sunday talk shows and lying through her teeth about the whole thing. (And the Senate wouldn't approve the promotion the Comrade promised for her loyalty, poor misguided moron.)

Lynch noted that the administration's fiction about what happened at Benghazi looks like "the victory of hope over reality."

Great line. And it seems to nicely describe the Comrade's regime all together.

I remember a while back, with Bill Clinton in the White House and DeeDee Meyers as his press secretary. Don't recall exactly what the issue was, she made some sort of statement and followed it up with, "We don't really care about the truth here," or something like that. She meant it as a joke. I don't think Clinton did -- and I don't think Hillary or the current White House does, either.

That's the strange thing about liberals. Or progressives -- as though changing their name signifies anything of any substance at all. But typical. All surface appearance, what a thing looks like. and they have no interest in going into any further analysis. Just do what you can to sell it. Lipstick on a pig and all that.

They have this view of things. They don't care what the world is really like or what human life, even, might require. They just pretend the world is the way they think it is.

The trouble is, it isn't.

For example, if they pass a few more gun control laws, that will prevent further mass murders and terrorist attacks. Hey, it's in their heads, no more guns. Voila!! No more guns.

I mean, do you suppose Dhzokar Tsarnaev or whatever his name is understood that he was too young to own a gun? Aw shucks, if he'd been better informed, this second Boston massacre might not have happened. He'd have to wait until he was 21 and had a permit, right?

Or I know, let's promote healthy eating by substituting carrot sticks for french fries at the public schools. Let's only offer kids milk or apple juice to drink instead of Coke or Pepsi.

With the result that many kids just toss out the cafeteria food, and if they can't bring anything they like better from home, then they sneak across the street to McDonalds or Wendys. Or they just go hungry.

Even democrats are now jumping ship on socialized medicine, and many congressional legislators have groused about opting themselves out of it as a group because they won't be able to pay for insurance for their staffs. Yeah... small business is facing the same dilemma. Go figure.

So the Comrade stands up and talks about how wonderful socialized medicine is, and most of it is already implemented, and people just love it!

Apparently he doesn't pay attention to anyone but a small circle of sychophants who kiss his ass and stoke his ego. Perhaps he goes no further than Blockhead Sibilius in his consultations. If he consults about it at all. More likely he just assumes it's totally terrific because it's part of the progressive canon. What could possibly go wrong?

Having failed to "part the waters" with his impassioned -- or at least energetic and arm-waving -- pleas for gun control -- I mean, the whole the thing failed and the public wasn't buying it. And his dire promises that the entire continental USA would somehow slip beneath the cold water of the oceans if the sequester went into effect. And the subsequent and continuing bitching and moaning about the unnecessary cuts in airport security and other actually spiteful and useless things he's ordered to occur with sequester -- the public isn't buying that one, either.

So in the face of the Comrade's recent failure to whip up support for his idiotic and destructive agenda, at a recent press conference, a journalist asked if he thought he was "losing his juice."

The Comrade, jolly old chap that he is, said, "Maybe I should just pack up and go home."

Yeah, Comrade. maybe you should. Maybe the USA would have a better chance of survival if you did. I'm talking real world here. I don't really expect you to understand.

Anyway, I started talking about how pie-in-the-sky the liberals are, and ended up with probably the first rational and practical suggestion the Comrade has ever made. Ever.

So, hey, dude, why don't you just pack up and go home?

"Victory of hope over reality" is not something we need right now. It's a nice way of saying the Comrade and his minions all live in some kind of fantasyland, which is something I've been claiming since he took office. His policies don't work; they've made everything worse, have slowed economic recovery and made it -- boots on the ground -- totally impossible.

He wants to erode our freedoms in the name of ... What, exactly? The progressive mantras. He belives the USA needs to be "fundamentally changed." He's got his head so far up up butt he's looking at his own tonsils most of the time.

And many people -- including the more perceptive democrats -- are finally figuring that out. Let's hope it's not too late for salvage.