Sunday, September 20, 2009


Anybody watch the TV show "Madmen"? They had a scene a couple weeks ago where this rich guy comes in and he wants to promote that strange sport where you toss a hardball around with small, handlheld hammocks. Can't think what it's called, and I'm sure I couldn't spell it anyway. I think it's supposed to be a sport adapted from the Aztecs. And they're pretty much extinct.

At any rate, the promoter told the agency account execs that he wanted to put a show on TV that would run simultaneously on all the networks. He would pay any amount. The ad execs mentioned that that type of show would not be likely, but they were willing to take his money anyway.

Well, guess what?, the same show ran on all the networks today almost simultaneously. Yes, our dear Comrade pitching heaven-knows-which version of socialized medicine.

I didn't watch any of them. I doubt he revealed "his" bill, and I get sick of reruns.

Much more interesting, a friend sent me a batch of photos from the DC Tea Parties on 9/12. I don't know who took these photos, and I'll be happy to take them down if the owner contacts me. I just thought they were good photos.

Apparently the DC Fire Dept. said there were 75,000 people at the Tea Party... but also, that count was early on and busloads of folks were still arriving. I think that 75,000 figure was the count when the staging area was becoming over-run and the Fire Dept. told the marchers to start marching now -- an hour early -- to accommodate the overflow. WorldNetDaily had a photo from the London Daily Mail that showed more people than I've ever seen in one place at one time, but I'm sure that photo's copyrighted, so won't run it here.

Another DC officer -- a cop, I believe -- told one of the protesters that he thought as many people showed up for the Tea Party as for the Inauguration last January. Gong by the photos I've seen, I'd agree.

So again, it all comes down: Who do you believe? The administration, the liberal media, or "your lyin' eyes," as Karl Rove would say?

Maybe that's really what had Pazzo Pelosi near tears.

Do you placeholders in DC really want to ignore this? It's tough right now trying to find another job.

Enough for now.

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