Monday, May 6, 2013

Obama regime : "Victory of hope over reality"

Watched Fox News Sunday, where Jason Chaffetz and another Rep., Stephen Lynch (D-Mass) "discussed" the everlasting Benghazi fiasco. Lynch fairly well agreed that the whole affair had been badly bungled by the White House, CIA, Secretay of State and Susan whatever -- the wool-over-her-eyes low-level factotum, appearing on the Sunday talk shows and lying through her teeth about the whole thing. (And the Senate wouldn't approve the promotion the Comrade promised for her loyalty, poor misguided moron.)

Lynch noted that the administration's fiction about what happened at Benghazi looks like "the victory of hope over reality."

Great line. And it seems to nicely describe the Comrade's regime all together.

I remember a while back, with Bill Clinton in the White House and DeeDee Meyers as his press secretary. Don't recall exactly what the issue was, she made some sort of statement and followed it up with, "We don't really care about the truth here," or something like that. She meant it as a joke. I don't think Clinton did -- and I don't think Hillary or the current White House does, either.

That's the strange thing about liberals. Or progressives -- as though changing their name signifies anything of any substance at all. But typical. All surface appearance, what a thing looks like. and they have no interest in going into any further analysis. Just do what you can to sell it. Lipstick on a pig and all that.

They have this view of things. They don't care what the world is really like or what human life, even, might require. They just pretend the world is the way they think it is.

The trouble is, it isn't.

For example, if they pass a few more gun control laws, that will prevent further mass murders and terrorist attacks. Hey, it's in their heads, no more guns. Voila!! No more guns.

I mean, do you suppose Dhzokar Tsarnaev or whatever his name is understood that he was too young to own a gun? Aw shucks, if he'd been better informed, this second Boston massacre might not have happened. He'd have to wait until he was 21 and had a permit, right?

Or I know, let's promote healthy eating by substituting carrot sticks for french fries at the public schools. Let's only offer kids milk or apple juice to drink instead of Coke or Pepsi.

With the result that many kids just toss out the cafeteria food, and if they can't bring anything they like better from home, then they sneak across the street to McDonalds or Wendys. Or they just go hungry.

Even democrats are now jumping ship on socialized medicine, and many congressional legislators have groused about opting themselves out of it as a group because they won't be able to pay for insurance for their staffs. Yeah... small business is facing the same dilemma. Go figure.

So the Comrade stands up and talks about how wonderful socialized medicine is, and most of it is already implemented, and people just love it!

Apparently he doesn't pay attention to anyone but a small circle of sychophants who kiss his ass and stoke his ego. Perhaps he goes no further than Blockhead Sibilius in his consultations. If he consults about it at all. More likely he just assumes it's totally terrific because it's part of the progressive canon. What could possibly go wrong?

Having failed to "part the waters" with his impassioned -- or at least energetic and arm-waving -- pleas for gun control -- I mean, the whole the thing failed and the public wasn't buying it. And his dire promises that the entire continental USA would somehow slip beneath the cold water of the oceans if the sequester went into effect. And the subsequent and continuing bitching and moaning about the unnecessary cuts in airport security and other actually spiteful and useless things he's ordered to occur with sequester -- the public isn't buying that one, either.

So in the face of the Comrade's recent failure to whip up support for his idiotic and destructive agenda, at a recent press conference, a journalist asked if he thought he was "losing his juice."

The Comrade, jolly old chap that he is, said, "Maybe I should just pack up and go home."

Yeah, Comrade. maybe you should. Maybe the USA would have a better chance of survival if you did. I'm talking real world here. I don't really expect you to understand.

Anyway, I started talking about how pie-in-the-sky the liberals are, and ended up with probably the first rational and practical suggestion the Comrade has ever made. Ever.

So, hey, dude, why don't you just pack up and go home?

"Victory of hope over reality" is not something we need right now. It's a nice way of saying the Comrade and his minions all live in some kind of fantasyland, which is something I've been claiming since he took office. His policies don't work; they've made everything worse, have slowed economic recovery and made it -- boots on the ground -- totally impossible.

He wants to erode our freedoms in the name of ... What, exactly? The progressive mantras. He belives the USA needs to be "fundamentally changed." He's got his head so far up up butt he's looking at his own tonsils most of the time.

And many people -- including the more perceptive democrats -- are finally figuring that out. Let's hope it's not too late for salvage.

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