Thursday, March 19, 2009

Hey! It's all a scam!

Was watching the news and the "spontaneous" protests in New York and Boston in response to AIG executives getting $165 million in bonuses. You know, the "spontaneous" eruptions of public ire, where everyone is wearing purple and yellow, carrying professionally-printed placards, and so forth. These are not indications of spontaneity. Neither is the fact that so many union members showed up to march.

At any rate, also saw Obama agreeing with the public wrath about AIG... and Congress passing some unconstitutional laws to try to reclaim that AIG bonus money. In a flash, it came very clear to me.

I DON'T believe in conspiracies, but this is just all too pat.

If you listened to what Obama said on Jay Leno, he's talking about how, yeah, he understands why people are so ticked off about the fat cats on Wall Street getting all this tax money, yadayadayada....

This whole thing is a White House communications strategy.

Get people all wound up about this stupid issue, then rush in and.... agree with them, promising "Yeah, we'll fix that" with this monster socialist Obama budget -- which claims to give all citizens their "fair share" of the federal largesse.

This is all political manipulation. It's all hype and b.s. to get that actually frightening socialist legislation through to supposedly even things out.

I was having a hard time putting the pieces together. Now it all makes sense. Just another variation of the Reichstag Fire.

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