Thursday, March 26, 2009

More propaganda from the White House

Just visited, where people are invited to ask questions that the president plans to answer today in an online chat. The way it's set up, there are already 75,000+ questions, and you're supposed to scroll through them and vote on the ones you want the prez to answer.

Looked at the first couple pages. They're all about education, and all ask things like, "I just graduated from college. What can you do to help me pay back my student loans," or "What are you doing to ensure quality education?"

Yep... Spam-in-a-can stuff, designed for Obama to propagandize about the educational programs in his socialist agenda. I don't think it's even going to be worth looking at. You can get the same information and the same honesty and spontaneity from a White House press release.

I did leave the president a comment via the regular White House email thing (try it, you'll like it). I told him that the White House is not the only organization that hires public relations professionals, and those of us non-White House communications pros do recognize spin and propaganda when we see it.

I also asked him why he wants to take away my freedom with his socialist agenda. Everyone should. That should be the Number One question on the list. Not all this crap about education.

Meanwhile, Tim Geithner was whining about not having enough power to do whatever he damn pleases with the banking and maybe other industries.

Hey... those restraints? Those restraints are called THE CONSTITUTION. It's supposed to limit what the government can do. That's what it's all about, in fact. The idea is, the less government, the more personal freedom.

America originally was all about freedom. Now apparently it's all about getting someone else to pay your bills.

I'm sorry, I'm just too fed up to write any more this morning.

Is anyone really buying all this crap coming out of Washington? If they are, we're all doomed. This is making me hate the human race.

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