Saturday, May 16, 2009

The plot thickens

Can't believe I'm wasting time writing about this... but... Nancy Pelosi stuck her foot in her mouth again.

Leon Panetta, head of the CIA and appointed by the prez, issued a fairly simple statement today saying that it's not the policy of the CIA to lie to congress.

In response, Pelosi stated that she didn't mean to cast aspersions upon the CIA as it is now; rather, she's going after George W. Bush.

So the Speaker of the US House of Representatives, third in line for the presidency, is pleased to tell the American public that she's wasting the time and resources of the federal government trying to create a scandal.

Is this her idea of an acceptable explanation for her actions and accusations?

I wrote in a blog a little ways back how the Democrats ran on a deliberately incited hatred for George W., and that now they're running out of steam because they have nothing more positive to offer.

Pelosi proves my point: "Excuse me, I didn't mean to step on any toes, I'm just whipping a dead horse....."

This idiot really should resign, but I doubt she has the grace to do so. She's one of those people who believes with her whole heart that "right" consists of getting people to agree with you and support you. If she can get a "yes" from some pathetic creature who's afraid to hurt her feelings, she'll persist in her lies and reckless harangues and accusations. I mean, doesn't she have enough to do, she's got to fill her days trying to destroy an administration that has left office?

Hey, Nancy -- there's a Democrat in the White House now. Or did you miss that briefing? Or did your staffer only inform you that there had been an election, but didn't tell you who had been elected?

In another news video, we see the now-familiar scenario of Barack Obama wandering around some kind of auditorium-style venue, adoring fans in bleacher-style seating hanging on every word. So what's he saying?

He's telling his audience that the US economy is burdened with an unsustainable debt.... This is news only to him. Maybe he should have thought of that before jamming all this so-called "Stimulus" B.S. through congress.

And can someone please explain to me why shutting down car dealerships will help Chrysler and GM? The dealerships pay their own way, they aren't on the manufacturers' payrolls. Seems to me, all the closings accomplish is to make the cars less easily available, as well as throwing thousands more people out of work.

Meanwhile, back in congress, Obama's Democrat minions are laboring over adding an ever-increasing load to our unsustainable debt by trying to saddle the nation with socialized medicine... and prodding the EPA to take autocratic and totalitarian action to penalize anyone who breathes. We all exhale carbons, so it's only fair that we should all be taxed for it to save the planet.

And Barney Fudd has introduced a bill for a federal bail-out of California. This man is just totally insane. He really is. And that's being kind to him.

Why do I feel like I woke up in the middle ring of a Barnum & Bailey production? This would be funny, except that these idiots are really in charge.

If any one thing is certain, we will all be taxed to death -- quite literally, as health care will not be readily available. Remember the French Revolution.

Oh, and the prez also has re-thought the matter of military tribunals for the terrorists at Guantanamo. Seems that during the campaign, he had assumed with most other liberals that the Bush administration was only wholly satanic in devising the procedures they did to handle the terrorists. However, now that Obama has "seen the elephant," he's finding out that there was some reasoning behind all that. In other words, the Bush administration wasn't acting out of blind hatred. Gee, fancy that.

So maybe Obama's finally stopped campaigning and decided to try to govern.

Heaven help us all.

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