Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Stimulus - part deux

It never fails to amaze me how quickly the public forgets.

No one seems to recall that when the Stimulus Bill was passed earlier this year, it was supposed to be an emergency measure to jump-start the economy.

Those against it argued that it was mostly pork; many projects it funded wouldn't even get underway for almost 10 years; it would cripple an already staggering economy with a whopping huge debt.

But Comrade Osama needed it right now! Or the nation would collapse. With the Stimulus Bill, the whole economic downturn would be over by the end of this year at the latest. He sent attack dog Pazzo Pelosi out to bludgeon congresscritters into voting in favor. No one even got to debate the bill. No one even read the whole thing. The whole debacle was kinda like watching a herd of lemmings running over a cliff.

(And yeah... I'm talking about the Stimulus Bill, not crap-and-trade, which admittedly, bears a striking resemblence.)

And now, well, look around. You see any impacts from the Stimulus Bill except an increasing unemployment rate? The Stimulus Bill doesn't do anything for the private sector, which is where the jobs are created in the US. However, I understand that if a major, major project gets underway in Oregon or someplace in five or seven years, turtles will have a tunnel under a major highway. Nice. What is that all about? If you cross the bridge, you collect $200? Now that would be stimulus.

And if you criticize the useless waste of this huge debt vs. the impact an immediate and deep tax cut would have had, Democrats talk about the whopping huge tax cut in the Stimulus Bill -- an average of $13.00 per week, isn't it?

You know what? With the increased tax on tobacco alone, $13.00 will just about pay for two or three packs of cigarettes -- depending on which state you live in. Three bags of potato chips. Two complete meals at a fastfood place. Get out of the way... here comes recovery!

So here's a better idea: Rescind the rest of the Stimulus Bill -- no one read it anyway. No one knows what's in it. It could contain a clause that promises to turn over the entire continental USA to the King of Madagascar at the end of 2011 for all anyone knows. Rescind it on that basis -- "Hey! It was right after New Year's. I was still hungover and the Comrade insisted we pass this piece of crap without reading it!" Reason enough to rescind.

Or, you could argue that it was absolutely brain-dead reckless and irresponsible in the first place. That works too.

Then eliminate payroll taxes for the rest of this year. Just cut them out entirely. No need to file with the IRS next April. The federal government will lose money, but not as much as they're losing with the Stimulus Bill. And it would be absolutely terrific to shut off the funds going to Washington. Put those SOB's on a budget for a change, including IRS staffers. Let them all take the rest of the year off, with an attendant cut in their pay -- sorta like what they're dumping on private citizens now.

And I guarantee, the economy will pick up overnight, like a launch from Cape Canaveral.

The only trouble is.... the buttheads in Washington couldn't control this kind of stimulus. It targets the free market and is a boon mainly to individuals rather than big political donors and fascist-leaning multinational corporations. So it will never go anywhere.

But it would work.

So... would you rather have more than $1 trillion in useless wasted debt, or do you really want to jump-start the economy? Simple choice. Take your pick.

Don't listen to what the blockheads in Washington say. Watch what they do and you'll begin to understand their true motives. It isn't complicated.

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