Saturday, August 8, 2009

Attaboy, Comrade!

Well, today The Comrade gave a speech in Virginia and apparently pretty much suggested that anyone who doesn't want socialized medicine should be bound and gagged -- especially gagged. The dissenters just need to shut up and let him do whatever he wants to do with our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor. I mean, who the hell are we to question him and his minions? Our role in his Utopian scenario is only as "payer."

All I can say is: I never even remotely suspected him of believing in the value of human life or in individual rights. Because he's a marxist, though, you'd think he'd at least give a courteous nod at the notion of spontaneous political activism, but I guess that only applies when the activism supports his own position.

Dick(head) Durbin is just a plain fool. Never suspected him of much else, either.

And Pazzo Pelosi... well... one Gulf Stream just isn't enough. Now she wants eight of them for the personal use of congress. Perhaps to haul her make-up, clothing, and wigs back and forth between San Francisco and DC. Or an entourage of yes-persons to manage her ego, creating a layer of functioning and obedient insulation between her and the public. Otherwise, she's in real danger of having her delusions shattered.

As reported in the L.A. Times a few days ago, the Dems apparently had planned to blame any resistance to socialized medicine on the insurance industry, but it seems that target has failed to materialize -- except in Democrat Fantasyland, where the top executives of Humana and Kaiser Permanente sit up all night trying on "Joe six-pack" disguises: ill-fitting cargo shorts, short-sleeved plaid shirts, and the inevitable beat-up Nikes.

Anyway, so now instead of going after "organized insurance," the socialists -- including SEIU -- are attacking ordinary American citizens. Quite literally. One poor guy who was selling American flags and other stuff outside of a town hall meeting in St. Louis was physically attacked and beaten by a bunch of thugs advertising their favorite labor union on their T-shirts. Button-down brown shirts might be more appropriate. Sam Browne belts and jack boots would complete the fashion statement.

H-m-m-m-m, who else has attacked American citizens? The Brits under King George, the Confederate States of America, the Japanese at Pearl Harbor, and al-Qaeda. Doesn't seem to ever end happily for them, does it?

Let's see how this strategy pays off for the Democrats in 2010.

Have to wonder why the Dems are following such a negative program. You'd think they'd be talking up the wonders of socialized medicine and crowing about all the benefits it will bring to the nation. Don't hear any of that, though. Quite possibly because so few of those in favor actually know what's in the bill and haven't got the foggiest notion of what it's going to do to the nation. However, they're probably hoping that some juicy hunk of pork intended just for them will be tucked in there amongst all those unintelligible clauses.

You know, we pay these idiots for this. Can someone please explain that?

One of my favorite quotes is from Will Rogers:
This country has come to feel the same when Congress is in session as when the baby gets hold of a hammer.
So, hey, congresscritters, take your time getting back to work. We're a lot better off when you guys are beyond reach of those voting buttons.

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