Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Comrade weighs in on health care... or doesn't

Watched the Comrade's town hall meeting in New Hampshire on health care reform. Basically he delivered a trimmed-down, recycled campaign speech about what he's going to do for us on health care.

Seems that the majority of Americans already are aware of what he's going to do to us on health care. But, as usual, Comrade Osama seems to be relying on his personal charm to sell socialized medicine. This is wearing a bit thin.

Fox News had a too-brief commentary from both Rep and Dem advocates. The Dem advocate said something about, "Well, show us the Republican plan." Actually, the Republicans have a wealth of ideas -- from Newt Gingrich, Jim Demint and others. The Republicans suggest things like tort reform and working to reduce the fraud in existing Medicare/Medicaid programs. But the Dems in congress won't listen and apparently actively exclude Republicans from the legislative process. Check out this video:


The Democrats and the Comrade are confusing "health care reform" with "socialized medicine," and they seem to want to confuse the public about this, too. They don't understand that you can have one without the other. Or maybe they're just being disengenuous. After all, if we have simple reform, they won't get to micromanage our lives -- and for the socialists and marxists among them, what the hell is the point of health care reform if it doesn't involve a massive expansion of federal power?

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