Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The president: feeding conflict

Listened to the Comrade's speech to the joint houses of congress tonight. This was a waste of time. The only change from the two dozen other speeches this guy has delivered on socialized medicine was his slightly breathless tone tonight. Perhaps that's supposed to indicate his passionate support for "his bill." If that's all he can muster in terms of passion, Michelle doesn't have much of a private life, does she?

In the speech the Comrade reiterated everything he's ever said before: Your current insurance won't change; pre-existing conditions won't prohibit anyone from getting insurance; your coverage can't ever be dropped -- oh, and it won't ever be capped or limited, either, that might be new; no deductibles; coverage for things like annual physicals, mammograms, etc..... and on and on in his rather wearisome, clipped drone.

Nothing new here. He kept speaking about "his" bill. I kept waiting for him to introduce "his" bill. He never did.

Listening to Bruce Dumont on WLS radio at the end of speech, Dumont said the Comrade was referring to HR3200, which certainly doesn't guarantee half the stuff the Comrade wants, and even ensures it will never happen. So I found that rather confusing. I kept asking, "What bill? What bill?"

Apparently he still hasn't read it. Or he's telling blatant and undiluted lies. Or he's too damn lazy to try to construct a useful bill -- and with all those czars and comrades around him, you'd think they could come up with something. Or, he recognizes the serious conflict going on about this bill, in congress and all over the country, and he loves it.

Perhaps he's got his fingers crossed for a real crisis. Perhaps he's hoping someone starts shooting, or quite possibly, he's looking for a reason to start the shooting himself. (Think he could command any kind of loyalty from any military whatsoever?) At any rate, the more conflict, the better he likes it. Isn't that straight out of Saul Alinsky? Alinsky teaches how to create problems, not how to solve them.

The way you topple governments is to destablize them. Disrupt them. Make them incapable of managing government affairs. Make people afraid to trust them. Render them useless and impotent.

For example, in his speech, the Comrade never let an opportunity to pass without trying to slap the faces of Republicans and/or every other administration that came before him. Then he advises everyone to end the acrimony.

Hey, butthead, it's your acrimony. You're the one behind it, and the one who's fanning the flames. Like at that other socialized medicine speech, or press conference, or whatever, when he pulls out of thin air the incident with Henry Louis Gates and the Cambridge cop... "Hey, let's see if we can't create some kind of conflict here where none really exists."

That's the way he does things.

He's setting the table for something. Don't know what, but let's all be very careful.

And the idiot stands there for, what? 40 minutes, lying, deceiving, blaming insurance companies and the notion of profit-making for all the problems with this bill, claiming there is no plan but Pazzo Pelosi's disaster (HR3200).... Primarily proving that he's either deaf, brain-dead, or just refusing to listen to anyone else. Pick as many as apply.

And I mean he's a "blockhead" in the most literal sense. Like cement between his doorknob ears.

Despite this rather weak and ineffectual pep-talk, I can't believe congress is going to pass HR3200. They may like the Comrade, but how many are willing to abandon their political careers for him? That's what it will cost them, and they know it. And then the more rabid liberals among them may go postal. (I'd love to see that myself.)

But you know, the Comrade has got to be doing this for a purpose.

Look for the purpose. That's the only unanswered question here. Perhaps the Comrade in all his omnipotent wisdom will proclaim that a hopelessly deadlocked congress has outlived its usefulness and he'll just shut it down. He won't be the first totalitarian dictator to do that. Matter of fact, the move is not even very imaginative.

Or maybe he'll get one of his thuggier czars to simply send out the National Guard or someone to seize control of the hospitals, doctors, and everyone else. Maybe the "Purple Ocean" from SEIU. (Again, the Comrade may have a problem commanding any branch of the military....) That might even be funny.

At any rate, it seems the Comrade simply has no ideas at all, except how to create chaos and spark hatred. That's about all he's accomplished so far in his career, as far as I can tell. Usually in the Illinois Assembly and as a US Senator, he voted "present." Not an indication of a genuine commitment to anything but his own ambition.

The one incident from all the Town Hall meetings that sticks in my mind -- and I hope sticks in others' minds -- is that guy in Iowa, clutching the microphone and, in truly impassioned tones, telling Senator Grassley, "You're supposed to be looking out for us!"

Yeah, congresscritters. Please remember that. You weren't elected to kiss ass. Legislation isn't a competitive sport. Please, think about preserving the nation and its ideals.

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