Friday, February 19, 2010

Federal intervention wrecks yet another maybe-good idea

Haven't heard a whole lot about the new stimulus bill. Oh, excuse me, the "jobs bill." Or too many details about the Comrade's proposed budget. Except that both and/or either will only push the nation a little further over the brink of everlasting debt and insolvency, simultaneously relieving us of the tools for economic recovery.

Here's a novel thought:  If you buttheads in DC want to save the economy, STOP SPENDING! CANCEL THE REST OF STIMULUS 1! CUT THE FEDERAL BUDGET BY 5% ACROSS THE BOARD! RIGHT NOW!! Then y'all can just go on home and tell the folks how great you are. Favorite past-time among politicians, isn't it? And if they just left us alone, it might even be half true.

But we can't expect the bozos in the federal government to perceive the obvious. They never have yet. And they think we're stupid?

Just read a brief item about proposed mandatory IRAs. I think the Comrade sits up in bed all night thinking up ways to destroy private enterprise in the USA.

Anyway, about 15 years ago or so, there was a lot of talk about Argentina, if I recall correctly, taking an idea developed by Chicago School economists. These are Milton Friedman types, free marketers, capitalists. The retirment insurance concept they proposed for Argentina was that every citizen would have a compulsory retirement account, but the account would be a personal account in their own name, managed by "certified" financial managers. Investments would be in private industry -- stocks, bonds, whatever.

For a while, it worked very well in Argentina, or at least that's what I heard. I mean, imagine taking all the money in Social Security and investing it in the stock market and into private enterprise. We'd all be millionaires -- so long as the economy is free and capitalist.

I don't know what happened to this plan now down there (I suspect some poop-for-brains politician had a "better" way of managing all that private money, or maybe they've had three or four coups and revolutions since then), but at the time, a similar program was suggested here -- at least it was debated on TV. Sort of like Social Security contributions going into an individual private retirement account and invested in private industry. William Buckley took the "Pro" side in one televised debate. But the opponents of the bill didn't then, and don't now trust the free market. They would go along with the plan only if the government controlled the investments.

So that they could give all their voters and donors massive bribes and favors?? What do YOU think? I mean, what do they do with any money they get their grubby little hands on?

The Comrade seems to have resurrected this program, or something like it. He wants employers to provide IRA accounts for every employee -- mandatory. Then much of the investment would be in things like federal bonds. I believe these types of investments are described by legislators as "secure" and "stable." Yeah, and ultimately owed to the Peoples' Republic of China, no? Pretty soon the US will owe more on the national debt than the nation produces. And this is what politicians call "secure" and "stable." Do you need any further proof that they're total blockheads?

And, yeah, it's not like we aren't paying enough in Social Security and Medicare already. It's not enough to try to force employers to provide employees with gold-standard health insurance. Let's double-down on that and take even more out everyone's paycheck and grind free enterprise totally into the dirt. 

For the citizen's own good, of course.

Like Margaret Thatcher said, "The trouble with socialism is that eventually you run out of other peoples' money."

These politicians are such horses' asses. And stupid enough to think we're too stupid to see through this. It's a major, whopping tax hike on the middle class and everyone else. I would support something like this -- even if it was mandatory -- as long as the crumbums who work inside the beltway would keep their thieving little fingers out of it -- but they ain't gonna let that happen. These are people who would -- and do -- steal the coins out of a beggar's cup.

Here's my plan: Let anyone who votes for this crap -- including stimulus 1 & 2 -- pay for it. And leave the rest of us alone. Every pol in congress is making six figures. Deduct it from their paychecks. And leave the rest of us alone.

And the next little gem is from an email I got from a Tea Party-type organization called resistnet:
...Plus, Obama has snuck the cap and trade scheme in as a "deficit neutral" item -- hiding another $853 BILLION in new taxes for what amounts to a global warming slush fund off the official budget books. 
So the Comrade's still trying to stick it to us with cap'n'tax, too. No matter that climate change is pretty much a horror-show fantasy of the radical left. The Comrade isn't kidding when he said he doesn't give up. He's going to keep stomping on us until we're all dead from starvation and exposure.

Then he'll be happy. He can pretend everyone loves him and no one will have the energy left to tell him to go to hell. We'll all just be stuffing the pennies we earn in the underground, cash economy into our mattresses and waiting until his term is up. And he'll believe he's just fantastic. He seems to believe anything, like in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy.

President of the Mausoleum of the Human Spirit, Dashed Hopes and Ruined Potential. The USA was such a rich country. Who would have thought one little pisher from Chicago could wipe it all out in a matter of months?

Nice going, Comrade. All your dreams come true.

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