Saturday, January 8, 2011

Where is Mitt Romney?

Watching Fox on an early Saturday morning, and they had Mike Huckabee on. Naturally, start pestering him about running for president. Then they showed a poll taken just this week that shows Mitt Romney remains a frontrunner for Republican candidate for president next year.

No offense, but why?

Where is Mitt Romney? What has he been doing while the nation muddles through a socialist catastrophe, deep recession, collapse of the housing market, etc etc. Where is Mitt Romney? Where does he stand on these issues? I haven't seen him out front anywhere urging anyone on, including Scott Thompson, who's also from Taxachusetts. Didn't see him at any Tea Parties.

Here's what I know about Mitt Romney: His father was governor of Michigan when I was a little kid. The only reason I know that is because my mom was from Michigan and noted who he was during the pageantry of political conventions and whatnot on TV.

Mitt Romney himself was governor of Taxachusetts when that state launched its own socialized medicine plan.

I'm afraid to me, that's not a recommendation.

I don't know Mitt Romney, but he strikes me as a kinda too-slick and polished 8"x10" kind of politician. That is, just sort of a "typical" Republican under the pre-Tea Party rules. That is, a "stupid" Republican. The dems go wild and wreak havoc, and people like Mitt Romney come along and help clean up. Without really making any big, unsettling changes. Without really fixing anything. They just do what they can to make things work -- even bad and destructive things that should be done away with entirely.

I can't imagine Mitt Romney embroiled in a fight to repeal national socialism. I mean socialized medicine.

I'm not saying he's a bad guy. He just wouldn't be my first choice for president. Honest to Buddha, I think the congressional dems would eat him for lunch.

I guess he's just too Ivy League for me. I'd be more inclined to support the people who have been willing to fill the trenches through all the current crises, who kept writing bills and submitting them, even when Pazzo Pelosi crapped all over them and the Comrade pretended they didn't exist.

And where has Mitt Romney been through all this? I just don't know.

To me, he just kinda looks like some kind of johnny-come-lately, sitting down to a feast after everyone else has set the table. And if Romney's not willing to tarnish whatever reputation he believes he has by associating with all those stump-toothed hillbillies and ignorant crackers who just swept the House and, for God's sake, read the Constitution out loud in front of everybody and on TV, I don't think I'd want to associate with him.

Don't really mean to lambaste the man, but this country has needed all the help it could get for the last couple years and ... where is Mitt Romney?

Save the Republic.

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