Monday, January 3, 2011

Evil or stupid party?

When I was in a third party, we had a joke about the evil party and the stupid party, which apparently Alan Simpson had also heard. It went something like the evil party enacts all kinds of vile legislation and the stupid party somehow makes it work.

I'm hoping the stupid party -- the Republicans -- have wised up. And I think they have. How far they can actually get with true reform is another matter.

Take, for example, the issue of the debt ceiling, which really isn't an issue right now. It's just the evil party trying to scare the pants off people.

At any rate, on one of the network Sunday morning political shows, Austan Goolsby (my gosh, what were his parents thinking when they stuck him with than moniker? I couldn't make up anything sillier) said it would be "catastrophic" for the Republicans to take away the evil party's credit card by refusing to raise the debt ceiling. Apparently debt is the only thing the evil party is capable of producing in volume. So Goolsby is saying, in effect, if the Republicans refuse to spend even more money, the nation will go down in flames.

"Hey, Dad! Look! We made this gigantic mess. Ha ha! Try to clean that up! I even broke all the neighbor kid's toys! Boy did I screw up things for you! Now you fix it. Just try!"

Is that about the gist of it, Mr. Ghoulsby?

I just hope the Republicans refuse to play the game. I hope the Republicans simply deduct whatever funds are necessary to pay interest rates from other areas. Like:

* Whatever dividends the USA earns on its holdings in Government Motors

* Revenues drawn from oil leases (oh heck! I forgot. The Comrade canceled all that.)

* Funds channeled from the EPA, Dept. of Education, Dept. of Commerce, IRS, and the 40,000 other useless and wasteful boondoggle agencies in the executive branch

* Direct Medicare to refuse to pay for Scooters and Jazzies and apply the funds more appropriately

* Donate no money whatsoever to socialized medicine

* Demand return of the TARP money to the USA; whatever funds have been returned are apparently resting comfortably in a slush fund in the Federal Reserve Bank. But since the Fed doesn't have to account for what money it does or doesn't have, that's only conjecture. Actually, the money's probably in somebody's private account in the Cayman Islands.

* Keep whatever has not yet been allocated from the 2009 "Stimulus Package."

* Cut Madame Comrade's staff of 30 or 40 people -- those who track her social activities. No other First Lady has required so many ladies-in-waiting. It's like the joke about how many people does it take to screw in a light bulb?

* Apparently some savings already have been realized with John Boehner refusing Pelosi's two Air Stream jets.

* De-fund the counting of cow farts

* Stop building parkways for turtles and salamanders

* My personal opinion is that Eric Holder's salary has been a complete waste so far. What has this man done since he's been in the Dept. of Justice?

* What the hell is Janet Napolitano doing in Afghanistan? One comedian highlighted the irony that she might be showing Afghanis how to control their border. Bring her home. Save the money.

* Stop sending money to Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

* Cancel the green projects aimed at reducing carbon emissions and Global Warming. Seems fair to say that that was never anything more than a load of crap.

* Restructure and privatize Social Security and Medicare. "Reform" won't work. They need to be completely rebuilt from the ground up. Social Security is basically a Ponzi scheme that can't work, given current demographics.

* Rein in the FCC. They, like everyone else in the executive branch, is messing in things that are just none of their business.

I could go on. The main idea is -- CUT! Clearly about 85% of all federal government operations are nothing more than a waste of time and taxpayer money. It would seem a lot simpler to pick out the functions that the nation really needs and just tell everyone else's useless brothers-in-law and college pals to find real jobs.

But I hope the Republicans don't buy into Ghoulsby's silly crap.

As a matter of fact, it might be a good thing to default on our loans. No one will ever lend to the USA again. OMG!! Then what would the evil party do?

Enough for now.

Save the Republic.

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