Thursday, April 7, 2011

Thank you Boehner, Cantor, Ryan, et. al.

Don't know if the feds are going to shut down or not tomorrow, but I do want to extend my sincerest gratitude to Speaker John Boehner, Eric Cantor, Kevin McCarthy, Paul Ryan -- and those lonely Republicans in the Senate -- thank you for standing our ground. Thank you for sticking up for the American people. We needed you and you came through for us, just by not folding under the silly sappy melodrama perpetrated by Pazzo Pelosi, Nero Reid, and others -- including the Comrade.

Last year, one of the hardest things I -- and I'm sure many in the Tea Party and other just ordinary citizens never involved much in politics -- last year we all sat here and watched Pazzo Pelosi, Nero Reid, The Fudd + Dudd duo, poltical whore Mary Landrieu, addle-brained Ben Nelson from Nebraska and others, and even the Twit Sisters from Maine, selling out the USA. For what? For the impossible promise of "free health care." No.No. No such thing as a free lunch. Rather, if that bill stands (which ain't likely) we'll end up with poor quality care, years-long waiting lists to see a physician, and a tax burden that destroys all hope.

And the worst part, the very worst part, was sitting in the living room and watching it on TV, with no way to stop it. Remember Arlen Specter's Town Hall with Sebelius or whatever the hell her name is, the nanny state's chief nanny? Remember -- those buttheads from DC telling us what they're going to do for us -- and completely deaf to the public will? People shouting themselves hoarse, and these complete blockheads just going on their merry way and God damn the public.

How many of those jerks are still in office, by the way?

How about Pete Stark? There's a piece of work. He's very upfront telling his constituents that they're a bunch of stupid idiots who require his superior guidance. He makes me retch, actually.

What I remember absolutely the most was a Town Hall put on by Grassley in Iowa. Some guy in the crowd, just an ordinary citizen, stood up and said, "You're supposed to be protecting our rights!" And Grassley, actually, has been pretty good about that.

Saw a video on YouTube with Paul Ryan and some creep called Becerra at the Blair House talks on the socialized medicine bill. The Comrade playing mediator there, putting on his "I am the president" show. Becerra starts some rap about representing the American people, and Paul Ryan says, "We were all sent here to represent the American people."

Just in case the blockhead, power-mad dems forgot -- and by accounts, they did. Completely. "We'll just bribe that whore from Louisiana, Mary Landrieu, and Nelson with a skull full of manure, and we'll shove through this piece of shit."

Meanwhile, lunatic twinkle-toes Pazzo Pelosi positively orgiastic about passing a major piece of legislation without reading it.

And nothing we could do about it.

So, thank you, Speaker Boehner and everyone else who grew a set and who are refusing to let this nation be streamrolled by a bunch of silly punks with hitlerian pretensions -- that is the demented Nero Reid, weiner Weiner, and even Debbie (bet she spells that "Debi" with a little heart for a dot over the i) Wasserman-whatever, who are propagating lies about the elderly eating dog food and all that.

You know what? The USA was alive and well -- much better off than it is now -- when there was no Social Security or Medicare.

In short, you stupid liberals, we don't need your sorry asses. And in fact, we're much better off without you. You are useless pretenders and opportunists and a disgrace on this nation.

But thank you, Speaker Boehner, Paul Ryan, Eric Cantor, and others who haven't forgotten what America is supposed to be about.

Save the Republic.

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