Thursday, April 14, 2011

A vicious, small-minded man

You know, I've been busy, and I just heard on TV that the Comrade actually invited Paul Ryan to wherever the hell the Comrade unveiled his glorious non-plan for the economy. He invited Paul Ryan to attend, and supposedly, Ryan was even seated in the first row.

For the uninvolved, Paul Ryan laid out a proposal for the 2012 budget in the House last week. Ryan's plan includes a restructuring of Medicare -- which, by the way, will not have any impact on people now on Medicare. The change involves giving people something like vouchers so that they can buy their own coverage from privately-owned insurance companies. And it wouldn't affect anyone who is right now 55 years old or older -- though I believe I'd much prefer Ryan's plan that Medicare as it is.

Ryan's plan also repeals the Comrade's socialized medicine scheme and also rearranges a few other things in the budget. Ryan says it would reduce the US budget by $6.8 TRILLION dollars over the next 10 years.

So, anyway, that's the background. The Comrade's "re-introduced" (shall we say) 2012 budget seems to be a response to Ryan. But absolutely nobody, not even the rabid socialists in congress or anywhere else liked the Comrade's first budget. The consensus was that it was a complete waste of the paper it was printed on.

So the Comrade invites Paul Ryan to this stupid affair at some college -- the Comrade playing to a "soft" crowd with limited life experience no doubt because everyone else is on to him. And during his speech, the Comrade accuses Paul Ryan of kicking out the crutches of little kids and turning seniors out into the snow. I mean, it was nothing but a political rant -- no other substance to it. It was an attack on Paul Ryan.

The Comrade did this once before. A couple years ago, the Supreme Court ruled that if groups like labor unions can donate unlimited funds to political candidates of their choice, then corporations should be able to do the same.

Apparently that really pissed off the Comrade. Now he's got to pretend to like the Fat Cats.

So during the State of the Union speech, with several members of the Supreme Court sitting in the chamber, the Comrade makes some snide and insulting comment about the Supreme Court. A comment that mainly indicated that the Comrade really didn't understand the court's decision at all. Just like his comments about Ryan's budget show that he is completely ignorant of economics.

But these incidents aren't accidents, you know. The Comrade loves to haul people up on the carpet and tries to publicly humiliate them.

What a small, vicious, nasty little man the Comrade is. What twisted, mean little soul.

It boggles the mind.

Save the Republic.

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