Sunday, November 13, 2011

President rubs salt into wounds

Have slacked off on blogging lately because I've been trying not to be too insulting. Wanted to write about the Republican debates. It is so terrific hearing people who have positive ideas and a passion to promote American exceptionalism and capitalism.

But what drives me to write is actually the anger.

So Comrade Butthead has been blaming American citizens and businesses for being "soft" and "lazy," and most recently for not working hard enough to attract foreign trade. What the hell, it's not like blowing off a deal with Canada to secure a reliable source of fuel, is it?

Yeah, jerk, push someone over a cliff then holler down, "Why are you laying down there? Too soft and lazy to work?"

It's getting harder and harder to describe how much I despise this individual who's stinking up the White House, destroying the nation, derailing the future, undermining political and economic institutions, and now has the gall to blame the victim

He really should go live in a little pup tent with his loyal few -- the slimy so-called "occupiers" who have pretty much dwindled down to criminals, drug addicts, mental defectives, and die-hard mooches. The Comrade's true following. I'm sure he'd be totally comfortable with the dopers. That's the wellspring of much of his personal experience, isn't it?

No one else wants to be seen with that sucker anymore.

He's either totally blind. moronically stupid, or taunting us.

In any case, he's an insult to the nation.

Save the Republic.

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