Saturday, May 12, 2012

Romney and the ankle-biters

Well, I see the 2012 presidential election campaign has already started. The Comrade, clutching desperately for some "base" of any kind, has announced that, personally, he's in favor of same-sex marriage. However, he also makes clear that this is his own personal opinion, and he apparently has no intention of doing anything about it politically. Marriage laws should be determined by the states, he says.

A perfect example of "leading from behind." That is, with no guts, commitment, or detectable usefulness. Except it seems that many of his campaign "bundlers," who collect donations for him, are gay. If they were aliens from zeta reticulii, I suppose the Comrade would quietly suggest the Air Force reopen Project Blue Book.

So, by way of contrast and comparison, somebody on the Comrade's campaign staff, working in conjuction with the Washington Post or NY Times, or some other socialist mouthpiece, dug up an incident from Mitt Romney's past. Supposedly while Romney was in prep school, he and a bunch of lugs cornered some misfit who'd dyed his hair blond, and they cut the guy's hair off.

Turns out, the guy was gay, though Romney says he doesn't remember the incident, and didn't know the guy was gay. And the guy died about 2004, so he's -- very conveniently -- not available for comment. His family released a statement saying they don't like the way he was portrayed.

So anyway, whatever yellow rag ran that story -- which was 5,000+ words, by the way, an absolutely unheard of length in this day and age -- is no doubt just now researching the several years that the Comrade shared an apartment in Harlem with a drug dealer -- a guy who, by the way, seems to still be a drug dealer. The journalists are, no doubt, looking up stories from the Comrade's past about his own use of cocaine and marijuana, and perhaps how he helped cut the coke with baby laxative and ran bags for his roommate. We can only wonder if he was involved in collections.

More realistically, we'll probably wait a long, long time for that story.

But the thing is -- is this the worst they can come up about Mitt Romney? "Boy, that Mitt Romney, he sure did some stupid things in high school."

So, seems he's human, after all.

And the Comrade enjoyed a big fundraising dinner at George Clooney's house the other night. Got to meet all the Big Stars. I suppose the Comrade promised to make them all exempt from the Tax the Rich bullshit thing.

Except for Jon Lovitz, of course, who described the Comrade as a "f***ing ***hole." Poor Lovitz probably wasn't invited to the big "do" at Clooney's. I bet he's all depressed about that... that's the ticket.

And no matter the Comrade's "personal evolution" to embrace same-sex marriage, Barney Fudd, who's recently decided to marry his boyfriend of many years -- nothing brings people closer than running an escort service from their Georgetown townhouse -- is not inviting the Comrade to the wedding.

Let me tell you one thing that has always troubled me about the Comrade. When he gets around people who applaud him -- from movie stars to the great unwashed masses -- he gets this absolutely giddy, mindless expression on his face. Hate to say it, but it's like he having an orgasm. Just watch sometime. It's scary. It's, like, well, pathological. Sort of a really dangerous narcissism. It's like he has no real self-respect, just a profound hunger for someone to pat him on the head and tickle behind his ears. How much is he willing to sell out to gratify that neurosis?

I'm starting to really like Mitt Romney. Not just in the spirit of "anybody but Obama," but because I think Romney really is a decent, dedicated person who has a functioning brain. He doesn't seem too perturbed about the "ankle-biters" buzzing and stinging like swamp vermin looking for a place to attach and suck some blood. And Romney shouldn't pay attention to this silly crap, anyway. Because it is silly crap.

The campaign so far isn't vicious so much as juvenile.

Enough for now.

Save the Republic.

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