Wednesday, May 2, 2012

May Day, m'aidez

Yesterday was the first of May, traditionally a day of celebration for marxists all over the world. It was on May Day in the old USSR that authorities would have a huge parade, soldiers marching in strict lockstep, accompanied by tanks and missilles on trucks. The current authoritarian dictator would stand on a balcony of the Kremlin. Some stern-faced and committed, others more friendly. It was always a big show.

So, figures, May Day was the day designated for OWie demonstrations across the country. A group of self-identified OWies (and is there any other kind?) apparently had plans to blow up a bridge in Ohio. In Oakland, Seattle, Portland, and perhaps some other places, they smashed store windows, threw bricks and other debris at each other, even lobbed a few molotov cocktails, and in other ways vandalized commercial areas. In New York, apart from screwing up traffic, they sent bags of white powder to bank execs. The powder turned out to be corn starch. Otherwise, the OWies just made general public nuisances of themselves.

I still don't understand what they're whining about Honestly, what are they protesting? Just a general, "Man, life really sucks." What?? Like a two-year-old having a temper fit? What??

Apparently they were joined/supported by labor unions. What are the unions whining about? They're "Comrade's Pet." Why are they complaining? No work? Hey, union dudes, pull a few strings, get fat-ass Trumpka and butthead Hoffa Jr. to get the Comrade to release his chokehold on the Keystone Pipeline. The work is there, just Washington being anal-retentive.

Honestly, I don't get it. Exactly what "message" am I supposed to be receiving? Because all I'm getting out of this is that there are quite a few rather stupid and easly-led people who want to get on the TV news. They appear to have rather poor impulse control. Other than that, I don't know.

OK, so there's May Day -- first day of May. Then there's m'aidez -- which is French for "Help me." Both are pronounced like "may day." It's the second that serves as a desperate, last-minute communication sent by ships at sea who find themselves in trouble.

So this message from the OWies is probably fitting. They seem to need all the help they can get -- hope they find other-than-tax-payers to fund it.

Or maybe for the next couple days, they should just go sit in the corner.

Save the Republic.

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