Friday, July 13, 2012

Obama claims:Not enough lipstick on his pig

So, the Comrade was being interviewed the other day -- one of those one-on-one, heart-to-heart, intimate tete-a-tetes the networks schedule every so often to make smarmy politicians look like big, cuddly teddy bears -- and the reporter asked him something like, "What do you feel has been your greatest mistake in office?"

The Comrade says -- with a slightly furrowed brow, indicating his heartfelt concern -- that he deeply regrets he just didn't "tell enough stories" to the American public. See, we didn't buy the spin the way he wanted us to.

And he'll humbly admit, he's at fault. He should have found another way to spin it. Some "spoonful of sugar" that would have made the medicine -- and a load of other manure -- go down.

I think the Comrade has told us plenty of "stories." More than we can count. Contradictory stores. Ridiculous confabulations of utopian fantasy. Etc., etc. Sounds like he's telling another one right now.

See, it's not that we see through the fluff (or should that be Ploufe?), thoroughly understand the marxist policies he's promoting, and resoundingly reject them. It's not like that at all. He just didn't explain it right.

It's not like the minimum "free and accessible" health care policy we're compelled to buy under Obamacare is going to cost an average family of four $12,000 to $15,000 per year. And if you don't get it, $695 in penalties for each family member -- collected by the IRS. And even paying the penaly (or tax, if you prefer), you still don't get health insurance. You still have to fork over the $12,000. Or the IRS will come and put a lien on your paycheck and/or your home. And will probably eat your children (sorry, just a little spin there).

That doesn't bother anyone. That's not creating a truly frightening scenario for families that are already struggling to keep up with mortgage payments, the skyrocketing cost of fuel and food, and stuff like that. Those families who can't be sure, week-to-week, if they'll still have a job Monday, or if their industry isn't being regulated out of existence by the EPA.

No, see, if the Comrade had just explained it all a little better.....

I've said it before and I'll say it again. I worked in public relations and advertising for decades. You can do a lot with language and presentation to make something more attractive. But it you've got a crappy product nobody wants, you ain't gonna sell it. Nobody's buying.

Lipstick on this pig just hasn't worked. And it's not likely to. The Comrade has a record now. Can't vote "present" in the White House. Yup. It's all his fault.

We just don't want the very specious, useless and destructive socialist products he's peddling.

Save the Republic.

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