Thursday, August 2, 2012

Harry Reid is a horse's ass -- but we knew that

I wasn't going to write anything unless it was positive. Yes, I too, am sick of the whining. But this is just absurd.

Apparently Horse's Ass Harry Reid -- I mean Senate Majority Leader Brain-dead Harry Reid -- is trying out the Chicago-style politics "whisper campaign" thing, where you start a rumor to blacken your opponent's name. Usually this is done subrosa, a pretended "confidential" or "insider" bit of juicy gossip that gets passed around and stirs up doubt and raises suspicions. But no, ol' Brain-dead utilizes the floor of the U.S. Senate to launch his whisper campaign.

He's announced twice, from the floor of the Senate, that Mitt Romney hasn't paid any taxes for the last 10 years. Brain-dead claims that "he's heard," but he names no sources, that that's the truth, and that it's Mitt Romney's reponsibility to set the record straight.

What bullshit.

The democrats persist in a couple of bogus ideas. First, that no one in America knows that Mitt Romney is rich. Second, that it's evil to be rich.

Well, we all know, Mitt Romney is rich. And you know what? It's not evil to be rich. I wish I was rich. I'm working at it. Have been since I was old enough to work, and it hasn't panned out for me so far. But more power to Romney -- he got into a lucrative field and made the most of it. Maybe he could give me a job.

Regarding his tax filings -- personally, my dear, I don't give a damn.

What I'd be interested in finding out, though, is: Who paid for the Comrade's Harvard education? Where are his transcripts? How come no one admits to knowing him until he came to Chicago and got real tight with aging radicals?

I know a few people who consider Comrade Obama the "Manchurian Candidate." Know what I mean?

Where's your papers, Comrade? Why so hush-hush? What are you hiding? What are you ashamed of? For pity sake, it took like three years before he admitted to having a birth certficate. How lame is that?

Save the Republic.

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