Saturday, August 4, 2012

Occupy Wall St. folks turning on the White House

Just heard a little news flash out of Oakland, California, I believe. And I'm rolling on the floor, laughing, coffee shooting out my nose. (Yeah, I drink coffee after midnight. Go figure.)

Anyway, I always figured the Occupy Wall Street crowd was the Comrade's version of Hitler's Brown Shirts, the "Sturmabteilung," the "SA," or the "Assault Divison." Ol' Addie recruited the Brown Shirts from the dregs of German society starting as early as 1921. They became the "enforcers" of the Nazi Party as it rose to power. Because if you heckled Hitler or mocked or questioned the Nazis, the Brown Shirts would probably break your nose, if you were lucky to get off so light. They were sort of a domestic terrorist group, tasked with actually conducting the Nazi revolution.

Well, Ernst Rohm, head of the Brown Shirts, took his job probably more seriously than Hitler wanted him to. Sources say at one time, there were maybe 2 million Brown Shirts and/or fellow travelers in Germany. I mean, why not? Someone crosses you, beat him up. The brown shirt gave you license. But Rohm got ambitious. He wanted to recruit enough followers to challenge the German miltary and to outnumber the Nazi Party. Might makes right, see? That was, after all, their operating principle.

So Hitler, being political, but probably too crazy to be really successful at it, finally recognized that Rohm and the Brown Shirts were becoming a threat to him. He had the Brown Shirt leadership -- about 70 people -- massacred on what's known as The Night of the Long Knives. And that was the end of that.

Hitler had more success in controlling the SS, the Black Shirts, who became his intelligence agency and not-so-secret police throughout his brief but impactful career as a power mad maniac and general threat to the human race in the 1930s and 1940s. The SS knew its place and happily remained on Hitler's coattails.

At any rate, anyone else see the parallels here? The Occupy Wall Street people -- whom I aptly refer to as the OWies -- have been recruited from the dregs of US society. Sure, there's a bunch of misguided and very naive college kids in the mix, but mosly loonie-toons communists, mentally ill homeless, criminals, and progressive blockheads -- that is, progessives who latch themselves onto anything that looks ragged and dirty and smells. The kind of crowd that many Hollywood stars regard as the pathetic (and blameless) poor who need the helping hand of enormous government.

So anyhow, back to the news story. Apparently a gang of roving Owies smashed the big storefront windows of Obama's campaign headquarters in Oakland. They also seem to have wandered along related streets smashing car windows.

And here I thought Comrade Obama was their Savior.

How long before Van Jones and other OWie leaders -- if you can identify them beneath their layers of filth -- end up somehow "disappeared," to borrow a word from the political purges of certain South American dictatorships. If they keep up their violent antics, they become just a huge embarrassment to the jerk in the White House and other progressives, like Pazzo Pelosi, who also promotes their "cause," whatever that might be. (I haven't quite figured that out yet.)

Somehow the OWies, like the Brown Shirts, being who they are, just can't help but bite the hand that's trying to feed them. Why, the ungrateful snots!! The liberals and progressives let them live in makeshift tents and cardboard boxes on public thorofares, let them bang their little drums and smoke dope all night without police harrassment, and they attack the president? I'm shocked, shocked....

I guess Obama, like Hitler, just doesn't love them enough.

Save the Republic.

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