Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Usual "Sgt. Schultz Defense" from Washington

From White House Secretary Jay Carneybarker, who's still spewing b.s.

"The President new nothing about this at the time... " in reference to the circus at the CIA.

"He's focusing right now on working with congress in providing jobs... " I'm laughing so hard I have coffee shooting out my nose.

Susan Rice is being considered as a replacement for Hillary at the State Dept. Apparently it's Rice's  reward for lying through her teeth about Benghazi and remaining cheerful through all the public insults and abuse she took for it. And it's just as obvious that she's not vrey bright, for all her blind adoration of the Comrade and belief in his Utopia.


Additonally, as people look more closely at the returns from the Nov. 6 election, it becomes quite obvious that the Comrade won only through massive vote fraud.

I'm quite sure those machines were fixed.

Sgt. Schultz in TV show "Hogan's Heroes" was famous for the line, "I know notink! I see notink!" Maybe the Comrade should nominate him to replace Hillary.

But believe what you want to believe.

That's all.

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