Wednesday, December 5, 2012

What's the president up to?

We've been blessed in the United States. We've all loved our liberty so much, and taken it for granted, that we have no first hand familiarity at all with demogogues and dictators.

We'll we've got one now.

No one seems to be able to figure out, what the hell is the Comrade up to? He makes ridiculous budget demands, pushing a plan that not one democrat has supported in two or three years, and doesn't talk to anyone about it. He relies on people like Chris Matthews and the rest of the folks at NBC, ABC, and CBS to pretend like this is all very normal and just a "boys will be boys" dispute inside the Beltway. "Isn't that cute? Nothing to worry about, folks."

Meanwhile, the Comrade seems to want to extend his election campaign -- just a few more times, let him go out and raise some rabble, talking to the ignorant, selling his pie-in-the-sky wish list.

And I'm afraid Americans are so goddamn stupid, distracted by iPhones, Christmas shopping (sorry, hoiliday shoppiing), and video games, that they turn around momentarily, cheeer, then sink back into apathy.

What the Comrade is trying to do is consolidate his power base. He's trying to usurp the powers given to congress, and apparently he already has the Supreme Court in his hip pocket, if John Roberts' idiotic blather about trivial bullshit over socialized medicine is any indication.

The Comrade, like any mafia chief, is trying to kill off and otherwise "neutralize" any opposition to his stupid power grabs. Constitution's getting in his way, but as useless bitch Pazzo Pelosi noted, "The Constitution? Are you kidding?"

I'm fairly certain the election was rigged somehow -- probably the voting machines. Not that the democrats didn't work really hard on turnout, too. My polling place was packed with people, most of whom looked like they were scraped out of doorways.

So there we have it. The Republic is lost. Our freedom is lost. And nobody gives much of a shit.

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