Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Win the election, lose the country

No doubt, the Comrade won the last election. But, ironically, he seems to be losing the nation on every other count.

For example, under dictates of Obamacare, the states have the option of setting up their own "healthcare exchange," whatever that is, and working with the feds to run it, or just letting the feds come in and do the whole thing. The states have to the end of this week to decide which way to go. About 10 states still haven't decided.

But yesterday Tenneessee joined the states that have refused to set up the exchange themselves. Tennessee says it's too expensive for one thing. The other, and more important thing, is that, to paraphrase, "The feds haven't defined the partnership. We're not committing to a partnership without understanding it."

Just the other day another governor explained: "The states don't exercise any control over the exchanges, anyway. So basically we'd have to pay for it and run it, but we'd just be following orders from the feds."

Can't find an exact count, but I believe it's 23 or 24 states as of this moment who have refused to participate in Obamacare.

(A brief pause for na-na-na-na-na. Told you so.)

Also, currently there are a couple more cases questioning the legality of Obamacare heading for the Supreme Court. So maybe John Roberts will have a chance to redeem himself as someone who is both literte and capable of rational thought -- very unusual to find both these characteristics in one person in Washington.

And as wonderful as that news is, it gets evrn better.

Yesterday the Comrade went to Detroit to waive his arms around and shout about the wonderfulness of unions. And then MICHIGAN PASSED A RIGHT-TO-WORK LAW.

OK, until yesterday, Michigan was a "closed shop" state, like Illinois. That is, if you worked at a company that had a union, you had to join the union or not work there at all. (I have been in the SEIU and the Teamsters due to this law in Illinois.) By contrast, "Right-to-work" means you don't have to join the union.


Now the unions are all over Lansing, the state capitol. Just this morning, they tore town and trampled a big tent that belonged to Americans for Prosperity, a conservative group. Well, no surprise the unions would oppose a group with a name like that. They also went after a couple news reporters, telling them not to film their actions.

So, unions will be unions, right? Violent, brutal, brainless. No intelligent argument, so bully and intimidate. Assholes. Standard behavior for rogue states and terrorists of all kinds.

Liberals claim that that's just what happens with passionate protest. Bullshit. Hundreds of thousands ot Tea Party occupied the Mall in DC with no violence, and they even picked up all their trash before they left.

Anyway, I find it very interesting to watch this large chasm opening up between Washington and The Rest of The Country. See, that is the way to get rid of this bullshit. Let people see how their lives are going to be ruined by all thiese socialist power grabs and thuggery and then decide -- and you voted for this asshole?

Did he win? How did he win? Better still -- What did he win?

You cannot fool all the people all the time.

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