Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Don't "Show Me" socialized medicine

Interesting. In Missouri yesterday, they had a vote on something called Proposition C, which basically guts the "individual mandate" section of the federal socialized medicine bill. That is, vote "Yes" on Proposition C, and you're voting to invalidate the federal law that requires that people buy insurance or get government-funded insurance.

About a million voters turned out -- which some reports say is about what Missouri gets for primary elections. And they voted 71% in favor of the bill... that is, to tell the feds where to stick it.

The actual polls, like Gallup, Rasmussen, Zogby, etc., put public opposition to socialized medicine at anywhere from 51% to 59%, so Missouri seems a bit ahead of the curve. And good for them!

And to the (barf-choke-gag) "Political Class," that's what happens when you ignore public opinion and pass legislation that only marxists really want -- and not even Europe anymore. They tried it; it doesn't work. Unless your goal is bankruptcy.

Read an interesting article at Rasmussen Reports (dot-com), too. The article is linked through Rasmussen, but written by some pollsters' trade magazine. They were talking about how the "Political Class" has a very distinct -- and I must say "warped" -- view of economics and the economy.

Like in some polls, members of the "Political Class" were asked to prioritize issues that included Unemployment and Government Spending. Apparently the "Political Class" regards Fixing Unemployment as virtually the same thing as Massive Federal Spending. That is, they seem to believe that their spending actually is jumpstarting the economy and creating jobs.

Quite possibly, the "Political Class" are the only people in the nation who see the issues this way. I mean, they're all nicely insulated inside the Beltway. But you'd think every so often they'd take a look around.

People with actual functioning brains realize that the more the government spends, the more it has to rob from the "Non-Political Class." The more the feds rob from this private sector, the less can be invested in economic growth and job creation.

The "Political Class" just don't get it. It's what I've been saying: Washington has a very advanced case of terminal stupidity.

Those who want to end the so-called Bush Tax Cuts, which expire at the end of this year unless congress votes to extend them, claim that the resulting increase in taxes will bring in more revenue to the government. Wanna bet? Looks like more money will ph-h-h-h-t magically disappear from US enterprise and go elsewhere, or continue its rest in banks in the Cayman Islands or wherever.

When you offer higher taxes, you don't get too many volunteers. Not many people are that stupid. Not even congress, apparently, and other federal employees, who don't seem to be very scrupulous about paying their taxes. Taxes are for the Little People.

So, enough for now.

Save the republic!

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