Sunday, August 22, 2010

Like a duck hit on the head

The circus continues....

Pazzo Pelosi, who in the words of Abe Lincoln, looked "dazed and confused, like a duck hit on the head," wonders to the press who is funding this outcry against the mosque at Ground Zero.

She, like Billary and any number of other sociopaths, seems to believe that if you don't agree with her, you must be part of a vast right-wing conspiracy. Pelosi is such a monumental ass I can't even imagine how lame-brained you'd have to be to vote for her. Like Pete Stark, who represents another segment of the Bay Area. Regardless of their politics, these two are such unlikable and apparently brainless people, it's really hard to figure out how they got into office.

It boggles the mind.

Then we have Blagojovich, one-time governor of Illinois. When the jury for his corruption trial was out for so long, I became convinced they would hang and Blago wouldn't be convicted of anything. See, in Illinois, all it takes is one juror on the city-dem payroll or the close relative of someone on the city-dem payroll, to hang a jury. I was certain that at least one juror had been bought off somehow. Offered a do-nothing job in Streets & Sanitation or the Park District. And I still think so. However, apparently the charge that Blago lied to the FBI -- the only thing he was convicted of -- was so obvious that that juror couldn't find any rational way to deny it. But I bet you'll see that juror buying a big-screen TV in coming weeks. It doesn't take much to buy someone off in Illinois.

And what is Blago's defense: it's just political horse-trading; that's how politics works.

Unfortunately, he's probably correct in that, speaking of Illinois. In Illinois and especially in Chicago, we don't bother with anything like Constititional guidelines or even traditional ethics like honesty or civic-mindedness. It's all a power-grab for yourself and your family. We even have dynasties: the Daleys, the Mells (Blago's wife is a Mell), the Lipinskis, the Jarrets, the Culltertons, the Rocks, the Hasterts, the Madigans, perhaps the Jesse Jacksons as a budding new royal political bloodline, etc etc. It puts the First Families of Virgina to shame. And looking at how these folks behave, they probably all marry their first cousins, too.

They run things. They believe they're supposed to run things. They don't know how to do anything else but exchange favors and public money. Kinda like a comedy parody of Plato's Republic. Or perhaps the inevitable outcome of Plato's Republic, where a certain class was born and raised to rule.

And when I say "run things," I mean they scheme and plot, bribe, extort, hand out jobs and eradicate parking tickets and even larger offenses in trade for votes, political donations, and heaven-knows-what-else. And they keep getting elected and elected and elected. I don't know why, unless it's just Mike Royko's observation that Chicagoans don't give a damn what else a politician does, as long as he clears the snow off the streets and fixes the potholes. Most of them can just barely manage that.

What fascinates me about Blago is that he truly believes he's done nothing wrong. Kinda like the Mafia, ya know? "Hey, yeah, I threw acid in the guy's face, but after all, that's how we operate."


It's worth noting that, counting Blago, four out of the last six governors of Illinois have ended up in the slammer. Tells you something, no?

Yet as Blago sees things, he's the victim here. After all, he "gave little kids in Illinois free health care" -- unfunded and accounting for a large part of the $50 BILLION or whatever state deficit -- and dictated that senior citizens can ride Chicago buses and L trains for free -- not exactly an enviable privilege unless you enjoy witnessing homeless people vomit, defecate and masturbate in the back seats.

This is what the dems have become. A bunch of pompous, stupid, whining blockheads. They don't have a clue, and haven't had one for some time, but they believe they were born to rule. And when anyone questions that, they get really ticked off and start smelling Republican conspiracies. Dazed and stunned, like ducks hit on the head. Let's help them waddle into the lake and disappear, tell them that's how politics is supposed to work. Put it on MSNBC and they'll believe it -- and so will MSNBC.

Save the republic.

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