Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The definition of "insanity"

Didn't see the Comrade's speech. Not even sure if he delivered it yet. Assuming he did, since it's late afternoon and everyone on TV is talking about "investing" $500 BILLION more in.... pork, basically.

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." I first heard that from Dr. Phil, but I read recently that Einstein was the first to say it. And it doesn't take a genius to recognize that it's true.

Let's see if I've got the dem message:  "The US was losing 750,000 jobs PER MONTH during Bush's last year in office. The Stimulus hasn't worked as well as we wanted, but it's helped. It's saved or created XXX number of jobs."

They all memorize the Comrade's speeches and repeat snippets of them over and over again, like a mantra against the impending doom (for dems) of the upcoming election, so it's easy to quote them. They don't all agree on how many jobs have been "saved or created," though. Guess it depends upon how active a fantasy life each of them has.

But doesn't it look like the Comrade and friends are totally bankrupt? I mean, apart from having an empty treasury. The way they look at it, if you can't solve a problem by giving away other peoples' money, there's just no solution.

And isn't it funny? The USA being such a rich country -- and it really is -- that we ran out of other peoples' money so fast? I mean, it took most European nations decades to hit the lows we've reached in just about 20 months. Everything's bigger and badder in America.

And insurance companies have raised their rates 9% or so. Sorry, haven't got a source for that, missed the first part of the report. That will only go up, you know, as socialized medicine encroaches.

By the way, let's not forget about the disaster of socialized medicine. We're sitting here with that hanging over our heads like the blade of a guillotine, and the dems still can't figure out why businesses aren't hiring.

Are these guys like monumentally stupid, or what? It's all that Kool-Aid.

Save the Republic.

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