Monday, December 27, 2010

Quick Quiz... name the country

Just came across this in the Christian Science Monitor. For the moment, I'll block out the names. Try to figure out what country the story is about:
Just a few weeks ago, it appeared XXXX’s President XXX XXXX was in for a tough 2011. His party had lost seats in the parliament scheduled to sit in January and his political opponents were vowing to roll-back his socialist program.
But it now appears he has made up for his losses. The outgoing parliament passed a flurry of controversial initiatives that included giving Mr. XXXX decree powers for 18 months.
As is always the case in polarized XXXX, opinions are divided over the laws, which range from extending government control over universities to limiting foreign funding for NGOs. Critics, who seem to oppose President XXX no matter what he does, called the measures a “coup d’etat,” while his steadfast supporters say they ensure that his socialist “XXXX Revolution” is not halted in its tracks.
Or maybe I won't say. It just sounds very familiar, doesn't it??

Actually, it's the Comrade's idol, Hugo Chavez in Venezuela. Ol' Monkey-Face just finagled some kind of "government by decree" thing, where he can pretty much do what he damn pleases without any interference from the Venezuelan legislature. And he was shocked that some people accused him of being a dictator.

Sorry, Comrade, this will happen in the USA only in your dreams... despite Dr. Deathwish and all your other psychopathic czars and czarinas.

Save the Republic.

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