Friday, February 18, 2011

Who's a greedy li'l piggy?

Well, Scott Walker, governor of Wisconsin, wants unionized state employees to begin carrying some of their own freight, i.e., contributing to their own health care and pension funds. Welcome to the real world.

The union members seem to think they're some kind of elite that qualifies in some magical way to get everything they want at everyone else's expense.

Ah, but they work so hard. Yeah. So do the people they're thieving from.

Cross these union buttheads and they'll unleash their teen-aged students on you. O-o-o-o-h, scary. One such teenage kid spoke to Greta Van Susteren tonight. She asked him, "Well if the state is in debt, where will it get the money to pay for the benefits?"

This upstanding example of American youth explained very simply: "Tax the rich." He must have gotten one of those iTunes thingies with the Comrade's speeches on it. Like the one the Comrade gave to Queen Elizabeth. (Hey, Liz, as an American, I'm really embarrassed about that and I apologize if no one else will.)

And something that Wisconsin student failed to consider -- I guarantee, if there any millionaires living in Wisconsin, they also have home(s) in Florida or Texas someplace. All they have to do is change their permanent address. Then where will the union piggies be?

But I guess it's clear what kind of an education the kids are getting from the unionized teachers. I've said it before: the socialists recruit youth the same way drug dealers do -- and for exactly the same reasons.

Here's a song for public employee union members in Wisconsin and, really, everywhere:
Have you seen the little piggies
Crawling in the dirt?
And for all the little piggies
Life is getting worse....
    -- an old Beatles tune
Greed comes in all flavors. At least millionaires make their own money instead of sucking the life out of the republic, like vampires feeding off their neighbors.

And to add a Keystone Kops gloss to the whole affair, all the democrat state senators got on a bus and hid out at a hotel in Rockford, Ill., rather than take their seats in the legislature and address the issue. What a bunch of gutless and actually brainless wimps. When it doubt, back the hell out. Is that it? Again, they seem to be taking their cues from the White House.

Remember Ronald Reagan and the air traffic controllers?

If I was Governor Walker, I'd fire their sorry union asses to save the state's economy. Plenty of unemployed -- and well-educated unemployed -- to fill the empty spaces. And I do mean empty. Positively vacuous.

Save the Republic.

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