Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Comrade offering grounds for impeachment?

Well, as expected, the Comrade's Job Killer Bill failed in the dem-dominated US Senate. He can't even blame that on Republicans. A member of the House said the bill was offered there, but none of the dem members of the House wanted to sign on to sponsor it.

So it's dead in the water. Nobody wants it. Even the Comrade's comrades won't touch it with a fork. Not even Durbin? Not even Pelosi? Just think about it.

So the Comrade addressed somethng called the Jobs Council today, and recommended that, since the bill failed, he and his people should "scour" their rules and regulations "to find access to act administratively without an authorization from congress."

In other words, he's saying, "Screw congress. Enact the provisions of the bill as bureaucratic regulatios and executive orders."

So, no surprise, the Comrade is on the record as an autocrat and a diktator.

This guy's a real piece of work, huh?

This moron is running America?

He should be impeached. He seems to be confusing the USA with Venezuela or Iran.

Save the Republic.

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