Monday, October 17, 2011

Wall street protesters: "Give me your money"

The so-called "occupy Wall Street" protesters -- Owies?? -- seem to be either overtaken by marxists or are clarifying their message.

Bottom line, what they seem to be saying is: "You have money. Give it to me."

The truth is, you have to run that kind of demand through congress -- that would legalize the theft.

The Owies don't seem to have the wherewithal to do that. They seem to be mainly competent in pooping on police cars, peeing in public, sharing drugs and needles, and making lots of noise.

So this is "class warfare"? This is the "class" we're all supposed to be concerned about?

Looks like trash to me, I'm sorry.

And now they seem to be threatening violence. In Rome, Italy, at an apparently sympathetic protest, violence actually did break out. Don't know the details. Don't care to know.

But it's unconscionable that the Comrade and the "lamestream" media seem to be egging these people on. They're rabble, you know, I'm not even sure they're marxists -- but those with the megaphones are. And they could be just trying to co-opt the Owies. Who knows? Good grief, if this is the Comrade's constituency, he's so far left as to be completely disconnected from the nation. Which he is, left's face it.

New York's Mayor Bloomberg first defended the Owies, and many people continue to try to explain them, empathize with them, etc. Then Bloomberg tried to sweep them out of Zuccotti Park near Wall Street because, apparently, the stench and filth is intolerable. They wouldn't move and apparently Bloomberg and the cops are afraid of violence. With such a rabble of unruly and apparently only half-civilized people, violence is always possible -- being uninformed and inarticulate, violence and acting out are all they can do. Especially when they don't know what they want, except other peoples' money.

But to pretned they represent any significant segment of the US population is quite insulting to us "53%-ers."

Save the Republic.

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