Monday, October 10, 2011

Eric Holder needs to resign

Do you know what the Peter Principle is? It states that in many cases, people will continue to be promoted to the level of their incompetence. That is, to a job that's just beyond their capabilities. Like Eric Holder as US Attorney General.

Darrel Issa (R, CA), head of the congressional committee that asks questions about what the feds are doing to America (or something like that), has been trying to unravel the so-called "Fast & Furious" scandal. See, the ATF -- those folks who brought us the Ruby Ridge and David Koresh debacles -- apparently with assists from the FBI and DEA, have overseen the sale of at least 1,500 high-powered guns to "straw buyers" in the USA. The straw buyers act as conduits -- they turn around and sell the guns to Mexican drug cartels.

Under auspices of Eric Holder's Department of Justice, the ATF, FBI, and DEA have joined forces to make sure that these guns went to straw buyers, who in turn, sold them to Mexican drug cartels. In the cutesy language of law enforcement agencies, they let the guns "walk." Walk across the border, so they could be used to slaughter Mexican grammar school teachers, for example, and US border agents.

So in the congressional hearings, Issa asked Holder basically, "What the hell were you thinking?"

Holder answered, in essence, "What? Me? Thinking? That's not my job."

Holder's been so busy absolving Black Panthers of violating the voting rights of white people in Philadelphia and crafting legal loopholes so that Islamo-terrorists can run free and blow up a few more American cities that he hasn't had time to think about much else.

Holder's last job was defending terrorists in federal courts. So as chief of the Justice Dept... I mean, isn't that a little bit like putting, oh I don't know, Bonnie & Clyde, in charge of bank security? I mean, who picked this clown?

You see, Holder says he gets 100 "memos" a week. These are written documents that describe what his department is doing. He hasn't the time to bother reading them. But isn't managing the Dept. of Justice precisely his job? I mean, if he's too busy to run the Dept. of Justice, what's he getting paid for exactly? Seeing what he can do to skew DOJ in the direction of "social justice"?

Apparently he regards the arming of Mexican drug cartels as a useful function of establishing "social justice." I mean, killing US border guards would definitely enhance illegal border crosssings. See how nicely that works for the democrats?

The other theory that seems to explain Holder's lunacy is that he wanted all kinds of US-made weapons in Mexico, wanted the guns to be found at crime scenes, etc., so that he could say, "See, we need to more strictly control guns in the USA." But when you've actually ORDERED your department to make sure US-made weapons go to Mexican drug lords... well, that kinda screws up that scheme, doesn't it? I mean, the gun dealers didn't want to sell the guns to the straw buyers. The ATF insisted they do it.

So, reminiscent of Sgt. Shultz in "Hogan's Heroes," Holder announces, "I know nothing!" And the Comrade supports him. Or kinda like the driver who killed someone with his car claiming that it wasn't his fault because he was drunk at the time. (And if you're an illegal alien in the US, that seems to be a valid defense.)

So should this blockhead continue to hold any position of authority in the US government? 

If Holder had any honor, he'd resign. But there you go.

Save the Republic.

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