Wednesday, January 18, 2012

White House betrays citizens... as usual

Well, the early word is that the Comrade's administration is going to say no to the Keystone Pipeline. There must be some interesting insect that lives in the area, whose life is more valuable than the lives of American citizens.

Just another reason to dump this reckless and destructive fool as soon as possible.

By the way, can't the Comrade be impeached for ignoring the Constitution? Clearly he violated the very plain procedure the Constitution describes regarding making appointments. I mean, that was in your face. No question about it. Throw the bum out.

You know he's just going to double down on dismantling the economy and our culture. He knows he's only got a few months before he's history. He wants to destroy as much as he can while he still can. It's kinda like we have Osama bn Laden in the White House in terms of his attitude toward the USA.

An OWie threw a stink bomb on the White House lawn yesterday and the Secret Service did a lock down. Yeah, there's an idea -- lock the sucker in. Keep him there. Censor his Internet and his phones.

Of course, then that gives Slappy Joe Biden free rein over running things, and in that case, perhaps we can expect an atomic blast before November? Perhaps the Comrade, Biden, and Hillary are even goading the Iranians to do it, so the Comrade won't be blamed. (Avoiding blame and responsibility being truly the #1 thing on his agenda.)  Perhaps as the Comrade sees it, the only thing that would get him another term is if the US were under attack from outside and united behind him.

Somehow, if we were under attack, I wouldn't even dream of uniting behind the Comrade. He'd sell us out in a  heartbeat. He already has.

We can't afford this jerk any more.

Save the Republic.

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