Friday, January 13, 2012

Wolf in wolf's clothing

Maybe I'm speaking too soon, but just turned on the TV, and there's the Comrade, asking congress for "more authority" to cut the federal government.

Sure, he'll cut. He'll cut out everything but his little marxist buddies -- appointed in violation of the straightforward language in the US Constitution -- and give each of them their own little dictatorial feofdom. He's got less than a year left in office. Has to try to do as much more damage as possible in that short time.

Hey, I know, get a bunch of socialist economists from Ivy League schools to advise people on setting up grocery stores and/or plumbing companies. I'm sure these Harvard/Yale/Princeton blockheads can give us all the benefit of their own personal experience. How has that worked so far?

He says the government is too complex; business owners have too hard a time getting aid.

No business owner in his/her right mind goes to the government for aid in doing business.

Hey Comrade Dude, remember the French Revolution? "Laissez faire" ring any bells? That means "Leave me alone." That's how business does business. Nobody goes to the government unless they're sucking up for some big juicy plum contract. That's the Chicago way, isn't it?

But if the Comrade really wants to do soemthing useful for business... rescind socialized medicine and repeal all the silly, destructive regulations your tree-hugger pals in the EPA are using to suffocate the general population. Stop obstructing the Keystone Pipeline. But helping people become more independent is probably the very last thing on this jerk's mind.

And you've got to hand it to the Comrade. No one on earth is more freaking arrogant and cheeky. He completely ignores Congress and the Constitution to install a couple of his totalitarian fellow travelers in the NLRB, and comes around a week later, asking for more autocratic authority. The ink isn't even dry on Congress's law suit.

Hey, jughead -- why not just seize control? Why not do a full-bore Hugo Chavez or Fidel Castro? Why the sudden concern about constitutional legality or the public? We all know full well you don't care about the law. So what's this? Political theater? Who do you think you're kidding?

We know now what to expect from you: lies and cheating. Power grabs. Supercilious arrogance. Golf. Trips to Hawaii. Kissing ass overseas. Totally irresponsible spending of our money.

Anyone who agrees to give you more power for anything would have to be either a wannabe diktator like yourself, hoping for a "czar" benediction, or have a hole in their head big enough to drive a truck through. We can't trust you, Comrade. You're a proven liar, cheat, and I'm guessing, some degree of psychopath as well.

What the country's going for is just the opposite -- we're out here trying as hard as we can to get rid of your sorry ass. Only a little more than 10 month and so long, Comrade. And good riddance.

Save the Republic.

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