Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Comrade blames Fox for faltering popularity

Just saw something on Huffington Post about a book about the Comrade by a guy named David Corn or something like that.

I mean, really, are the dems doing it on purpose? The Comrade has a public relations guy named Fluff, a spokesman named Loo, another spokesman named Carney, some weird nympho whining about her "right" to free birth control pills named Fluke (but apparently it rhymes with f**k.) And now a guy named Corn to try to explain away all the Comrade's faiulres and shortcomings.

I mean, really, are they doing this on purpose? How are we supposed to take these people seriously?

At any rate, it seems that the Comrade, in an unguarded and intimate moment with his biographer, intimated that his loss of public support is all because of Fox News. Oh dear. Sigh. The way those pitiless bastards have blackened his name.

Though Fox isn't perfect -- and doesn't claim to be "objective," but rather, "balanced," I find it refreshing to find some segment of the media that's not marching in lockstep to Ed Schultz or Chris Matthews goofy little drum.

CBS, ABC, NBC, even CNN (let's not forget that silly twit who made a fool of herself at an anti-socialized medicine rally in Chicago) MSNBC... am I leaving anyone out? They all sort of bounce along regurgitating White House press releases with the precision and mindlessness of those crazy Iranian jihadists who, during parades, "jump down, turn around, pick a bale of... something." All as the Comrade, or Fluff, or Loo, or Jay Carneybarker or any of those pathetic idiots snaps their fingers.

You know what? If you've been out of a job for 3.5 years, were compelled to abandon your home in foreclosure, can't afford to fill your gas tank or buy groceries, your 30-year-old son with a Ph.D is begging pennies and beating tomtoms in Zucotti Park, and your 14-year-old daughter is screwing anything that moves through the grace of free birth control distributed without your consent or even knowledge -- you don't need Fox News to suggest that maybe something ain't quite right.

I mean, really.

Never fails to amaze me -- these blockheads actually, honestly, deeply believe we're all completely blind and stupid. Do we live on the same planet? Or is it just that the Comrade's range of vision stops at the back of his chauffeur's head?

I've actually been avoiding listening to the news lately -- or anything Washington-related -- because the idiotic statements coming from 1.) the White House; 2.) Pazzo Pelosi's pampered-yet-backwards offspring; 3.) Pazzo herself; 4.) Brain-dead Harry Reid... etc. I can't stand to hear any of these blockheads even speak anymore. Everything that comes out of their mouths is so much gibberish. Or calculated to appeal to a certain set of prejudices -- and you have to really be biased to believe some of the nonsense they put out.

I worked in public relations. These people are pikers. Clumsy. No subtlety. They gave up long ago trying to formulate a logical argument. Instead, they whine. They beg. They weep. Above all, they lie. And like Goebbels (sorry for the referenced but it's true, and called Big Lie propaganda) they seem to believe that if the spin some really humongous whoppers, people will wonder if there some little truth to it. I mean, no one in their right mind, with any iota of decency, would tell such honking huge lies, would they?

They're an insult to human intelligence.

St. Paul's Cathedral in London was designed by a guy named Christopher Wren. Out front, there's a sign that says, "If you seek [Wren's] monument, look around you."

So, Comrade, if you seek the source of your increasing unpopularity -- open your sleepy eyes and look around you. Then after assessing the monumenatal damage you've visited on this nation, here's hoping you'll have the good grace to retire to Hawaii. Or Venezuela. Or Cuba. Or Egypt. Or wherever they will have you.

Save the Republic.

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