So today apparently is the anniversay of the day the dems bribed and extorted enough votes in the Senate to shove socialized medicine down our throats.
Don't expect a cheer. Fingers crossed the Supremes will strike it down. Failing that, the new Republican president and Republicn majorities in both houses this November will dump this piece of crap legislation.
But apparently the Comrade and his peeps have got a TV ad out now showing a bunch of pathetic people who were denied insurance covered due to "pre-existing conditions" etc.
Well -- what the hell is the difference between that and rationing?
Want to know the difference? It's in who gets to decide.
With socialized medicine, the government decides who's covered, based largely on cost and some weird, marxist equation about your "value to society."
With private insurance -- or even paying your own expenses -- you get to choose.
Which do you prefer?
The marxist ad shows a baby who was born with birth defects, who was allegeldy denied private coverage due to "pre-existing conditions."
Give socialized medicine a few years, and that baby will be more or less "left on a hillside" to die, as the ancient Greeks used to handle these kinds of things.
I mean, look at socialized medicine all around the world. And take a look at the blog here from February 7, "The Tragedy of Socialized Medicine." The marching orders already are that if somone over 70 years old has a stroke, the government-required treatment is "comfort care." That is, wrap them in a blanket and keep them on a drip until they die.
Sound good to you?
So there's a reason I'm not celebrating this tragic anniversay. And good reasons why no one should.
And the TV ad is a major demonstration of the shortsighted hyprocrisy of the left.
Save the Republic.
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