Saturday, February 23, 2013

Before sequester - where's the cuts?

The liar-in-chief promised not even a month ago that if he could tax the rich, he'd slow down his crazy-ass, irresponsible, OCD spending. So the congessional clowns agreed to tax increases on the rich.

And now the liar-in-chief is on the road.... asking to raise taxes again. No cuts. He apparently was only joking when he promised any cuts.

Ha-ha. The joke's on the stupid sons of bitches who voted for him. 'Course most of them don't pay taxes. Their daddies do. They're on the taking end of the redistribution equation, not the side that pays for it.

So now sequester is upon us, with "automatic" spending cuts no one really wants -- but probably better than nothing.

The sequester was the Comrade's idea.

Over the last couple years, the Republicans in the House have offered several plans as alternatives to the sequester -- and they've had dem support. The Comrade promised to veto these proposals and the Senate pigeonholed them.

So Comrade liar-in-chief is, yes, a big fat liar. An irresponsible spendthrift, a deceiver and a fraud. And apparently relentless in his drive to destroy America.

How much more evidence do you need?

The more important question: How do we get rid of him?

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