Friday, February 1, 2013

Solving the USA's economic problems....

OK, OK. Just saw Dennis Kucinich on Fox, proposing another "infrastructure" project that would, he says, "get people back to work." No, it's a transfer of funds to union workers, who will transfer it back to the democrat party next election year. And Kucinich wants a measly $1 billion for this. Which would be added to the national debt.

Well, I have a much better idea. The US has spent more than $1 TRILLION since the Comrade took office trying to restart the economy. The money's gone to failed "green" startups, unions, buddies of the Comrade, foreign banks, and apparntly to terrorist nations and dictators.

I think the money is going to the wrong people. So here's my plan. It will cost a little over $300 million -- or only 30% of Kucinich's "modest" proposal. Here it is:

Give every US citizen $1 million.

Seriously. People could pay off their debts, which would be a huge boost to retailers and to mortgage-lending banks and financial institutions.

People could start and/or expand their own businesses, and/or invest in their friends' and families' businesses.

People could pay off their back taxes, increasing revenues to the feds and states, no doubt.

People could buy things -- and this being a consumer-centered economy, that's huge.

People could actually afford to pay the skyrocketing premiums of health insurance under Obamacare.

People could invest it in stocks, bonds, annuities, whatever -- and wouldn't necessarily be entirely dependent on social security.

The poor could get themselves off the dole, at least for a while, which would help the states bring their debt down.

On top of that, since everyone gets $1 million, it's "fair" even under the warped definition of that word that the Comrade and his Occupy Wall Street people live by.

So that's it. Very simple.

I know, I'm a hero.

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