Thursday, February 28, 2013

The worm turns... and the White House backs off

Just looked up the phrase, "The worm turns." It comes from either the Bible or Shakespeare, or possibly both.... the whole phrase is: "Tread on a worm and it will turn."

That means, in the American language, "Don't tread on me."

So to explain... the Comrade pushed this sequester thing just a little too far. Flapping his jaws, giving out stern looks like a daddy whose deliquent kids have sorely disappointed him, threatening to shut down airports and/or make people stand in line four or five hours for their probing by Homeland Security, et, etc.... well, he took it too damn far.

Just a couple items:

#1 -- Journalist Bob Woordward, partner in the Woodward-Bernstein combination that exposed the Watergate scandal in the Nixon era.... Bob Woodward, who's so damn careful about what he says it drives you almost crazy (like listening to someone who stutters -- you want to finish their sentences for them.) Well, Bob Woodward published a book back before Christmas that was kind of a close-up look at the Comrade's White House. Woodward wrote a book about George W. Bush as president, too, I believe. Woodward's been a commentator on Fox as well as on other news channels, and he's regarded as one of the most painstaking and objective journalists around.

So in his book, way back when, he told the story about how the president and Jack Loo cooked up the scheme for sequester. The Comrade has stated that they didn't really mean to do the cuts. They just wanted a plan that would be so burdensome and awful that congress would be forced to do something about spending and a budget.

Bob Woodward recently pointed out, just incidentally, that the sequester that the Comrade has been ranting and raving about, was actually the Comrade's own idea.

And it's very much worth noting that the House of Representatives has passed a couple plans to head off the sequester -- and that the Comrade said would veto them. Not to worry, the Comrade's Senate Dawg, Harry Reid, never let those proposals see the light of day in the Senate.

So the poor ol' Comrade is hoisted on his own petard. (That means getting all tangled up on your own lance, basically.)

But back to Bob Woodward. Apparently the White House heard about Woodward's big mouth. Woodward got an email from "a senior official" in the White House telling him he was all wrong, and he'd "regret staking out that claim." (No more access for you, pal, and wait until I set Andrea Mitchell and Matt Lauer on you.)

Hey, Comrade Asshole, I know you don't think much of freedom of the press, unless the press is as pathetically slavish as Chris Mathews or Rachel Maddow, and even though you routinely shit on the Constitution, you might try reading a little history.

To wit: The thing that set the American Revolution into motion was the British Stamp Act, which taxed colonial printers, paper, newspapers, etc. They -- including Ben Franklin -- were very unhappy about that. It hurt their business. As it happens, you piss off the press and you're pretty much screwed. After all, weren't they the ones who got the Comrade elected in their first place?

Let's see what they do to him now. Let's see if any of them beside Bob Woodward have a spine.

#2 -- And this is a frigging nightmare, and should be grounds for impeachment. Just recently -- though I'm not sure exactly when -- ICE, the Immigration enforcement people -- released 500 ciminal illegal aliens from some holding pen they were keeping them in. Apparently ICE was warned that sequester was coming and to figure out where to cut. They choose to let loose some pretty high-level criminals upon the public in Arizona. And didn't even notify officials in Arizona. They could have at least suggested that citizens make sure to lock their doors. Or maybe they could have just dropped these criminals off at the border... give them back to Mexico. Except the Mexicans won't have them back -- those suckers are that evil.

And, as usual, the Comrade knew nothing about this. The White House, as usual, is entirely blameless. They know nothing! They see nothing! The Sgt. Schultz defense, as usual.

But in my mind, it's the Comrade's Revenge -- take money out of his budget and he'll set a pack of murderers, rapists, burglars, drug lords and gang thugs on your sorry ass. Delays in the airport will be the least of your problems.

This is getting more like Germany in the 1930s every day.

Didn't I tell you? Let the Comrade run -- give him enough rope and he'll hang himself. He's too ambitious and too convinced of his own greatness to exercise any kind of reasonable judgment.

But apparently some time last night, he kinda, sorta, maybe admitted, "Hey! I was joking. It ain't gonna be that bad!"

What a damn fool, n'est-ce pas? (That means, in French, "Isn't it?")

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