Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The end of health care

Just been perusing the London Times about health care. If you're interested in doing some research, go to:


and search on "rationing" and "healthcare" and you might try "NICE", which is the acronym for the rationing board.

I can't imagine wishing this system on the USA, yet this is similar to what the USA's health care industry will look like when the socialists in Washington finish with it. Or, more simply, put an end to it. Canada has a "single payer" system, which is a little different. In Canada, you can be prosecuted for seeking health care outside of the government-run operation, which pretty much sucks by all accounts.

In England, the policy for many years was that if you accepted NHS (National Health System?) treatments, you agreed you wouldn't seek private care or drugs at the same time. Sort of like if you try to fix your own transmission, the warranty is thenceforth invalid. In one long article in the London Times, one woman with stomach cancer did this -- went to Europe and paid for drugs commonly used in Europe but not in England -- and she was denied NHS treatment. Her case was appealed, and the policy was changed. But she was dead by then.

The NHS is apparently famous for its stinginess in rationing cancer drugs and treatment. Seems they just hope people will die quietly and not screw up their cost-benefit ratios.

For a time in England, too, the NHS promoted home births using midwives to reduce medical and hospital costs. The doctors didn't like this at all. They weren't especially opposed to home births and midwives, rather to the fact that the NHS didn't offer any back-up for care by a physician or in a hospital if something went wrong with the birth.

Seems the NHS was promoting the program by reminding British moms-in-waiting that in third world nations, moms simply wandered off to a quiet corner, squeezed out their offspring, and then went back to finish the day's work, no complaints, no worries. The physician who authored this article hoped to reveal that this was not the true story; rather, that the third world has an astronomical mortality rate among preggie moms and newborns that would be unacceptable in England.

In the US, congress is supposed to debate this week on whether to putsch socialized medicine through via a technique called "reconciliation," ("battering ram" might be more appropriate) which would limit debate and requires only a simple majority in congress to pass the legislation.

What the hell is wrong with these people? They propose changes in the entire US health care system, measures that will drastically change the care that's available now, and they want to just jam it through "like crap through a goose," to borrow a phrase from General George Patton. And a an apt description of the process, I must say.

They don't want any debate. They want to limit opposition. They don't want to stop and think about what they're doing. They certainly don't want to look at the statistics of US care compared to socialized medicine, or to tour a British hospital, or even a Canadian one, if they could find one open at this time of year. They simply want to jam this bullshit down the throats of the American people -- no matter what the people might want.

I just don't get it. Whatever happened to America?

These bastards in Washington are just not even anti-American, they're anti-life. Mainly what they want is all of us goose-stepping behind them. They assume, Square One, that we're all incredibly stupid. Actually, they're so stupid themselves they can't even see us. Their minds aren't big enough.

They're a bunch of blockheads. Who elected these clowns? Easy answer: The New York Times and NBC. Moveon.org and other hysterical Big Lie rags.

And why is someone like George Soros pumping so much money into radical left-wing propaganda organizations? Who the hell is Soros? He's rich. Big whoop. He's making sure no one else ever will be, not in America.

Read somewhere that he manipulated the currency of Kenya or Zimbabwe or someplace and totally destroyed that nation's economy. Is this how he gets off? He plays power games? And this is a real person, not some nightmare freak from a sci-fi flick. Maybe he's just too damn old to be capable of anything else. Really, who the hell is this man? Some doddering old fool hell-bent on killing people any way he can. A pathological egomaniac who is compelled to leave his boot prints on everyone's backs? Envisions himself some grand puppeteer, pulling the strings and everyone dances. How is he different from any other petty dictator in his aims and aspirations?

What a slimy pig. Only that's an insult to pigs.

What the hell is his problem? Shouldn't he be locked up for this own good? And Pelosi with him? Call it a national security measure.

And Obama with them.

1 comment:

Foxwood said...

Even Canada an the UK tell us this is bad. Why don't our leaders listen? Because they can better control us with socialism. Wake Up, Sheeple!