Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Mad Hatter at the Tea Party

Susan Roesgen earned the distinction of Grand High Butthead at the Chicago Tea Party today. She asked a man in the crowd what he was protesting. He said taxes. She launched into a reiteration of Obama's policy that he's actually lowering taxes and cutting the deficit in half. See the whole thing here on video -- even the parts CNN will never air:

So is Susan Roesgen now stumping for the White House or what?

She says the Tea Party protesters are at war with CNN. Well, who watches CNN anyway? European socialists?

The president's speech this morning had me screaming at the TV. He stands there like an idiot saying he's lowering taxes. I'm sitting there thinking, This man is either lying through his teeth or a genuine moron.

He has the nerve to promote a $3 trillion budget -- complete with a cap-and-trade program that will absolutely ruin the nation -- and says "But I'm cutting the federal deficit in half." And this on top of the apparently still-unread $1.7 trillion Stimulus bill, and $450 billion in pork.

Maybe Michelle Obama is growing money trees in that White House garden. The USA has run out of other sources of funding... except the next three or four generations of taxpayers.

It's quite obvious that Obama, Roesgen, and those of their kind, think we're all pathetically stupid.

It's kinda like when Obama bowed to the grand chrysanthemum of Arabia -- or whatever -- and then his press secretary fell all over himself trying to explain how it wasn't a bow. Karl Rove asked later, "Who do you believe? The White House or your lyin' eyes?"

So who do you believe about the economy? Obama and Roesgen or your lyin' eyes?

The USA right now is something like $11 trillion in debt. There's not enough money in the world -- and I mean that literally -- to pay that off. That's a lien against the future.... My future, your future, every American taxpayer's future, and their kids' futures, and their grandkids' futures.

Obama and Roesgen are blind to reality, that's all. Like most liberals. They have this view of the world that it's a bunch of people who, through no fault of their own, are all just waiting for a hug and handout. There's no true evil. No one really wants to hurt you. They're just hungry. They haven't had enough hugs. If 9/11, Iran, North Korea, and the Somali pirates can't jar them into reality, nothing can.

And that's fine, if that's what they want to believe. The only thing is... they want to get someone else to pay for their views and to fund the handout.

Liberals are so unbelievably biased their little brains can't even consider another perspective. They believe they're "right" and if you don't agree with them, you're.... let's see... racist, ignorant, backwards, unsophisticated, unread, and more than likely, also unwashed. You certainly are not as good and worthy as they are.

This is recognizably a defense mechanism and it's common among liberals, neurotics, and most other types of loonies. If your interpretation of reality is not based on actual fact, you need a lot of people to support your warped view. If you get enough people repeating the same mantra, liberals believe, it will come true. It's like they're sitting in a big circle, fingers in their ears and humming. If you're not in there humming with them, they just can't figure you out. You're just beyond them. You must be a racist or a hillbilly.

Bill Clinton was the same way. He needed everyone to agree with him. If you didn't, he generally got very nasty and did whatever he could to make your life miserable. He couldn't just fire people, for example. He had to leak some dreadful (and usually made-up) scandal and ruin their lives forever.

This is sociopathic, actually. I mean, it's a diagnosed psychological illness. "You don't agree? Off with your head!" It was once the privilege of kings. People like this can't tolerate a lack of support; sunlight ruins all their cleverly contrived misconceptions and view of the world.

Liberals are almost unbelievably hypocritcal, too. They're all committed 100% to spending other peoples' money, and they like Big Government because deep in their hearts, they're sure they'll be running it. After all, they're so magnanimous and well-groomed. Everyone loves them. When they walk through the streets, people strew rose petals in their paths and reach out to touch the hems of their gowns. They're legends in their own minds.

Hey, silly-ass liberals, look at history. Every dictator who ever lived rose to power supported by an effete bunch of intellectuals, a press that was either bought or biased, and amoral commercial interests who believed if they played along and funded totalitarian projects, they'd at least survive and more likely would get a share of the spoils.

Funny how it never turns out that way. The intellectuals are the first to go -- and I mean go... to Siberia, to Dachau, to re-education facilities. Totalitarians don't tolerate other opinions and they don't listen to advice. The fact that you're arrogant enough to believe you can give advice is enough to convict you.

And the media? Oh yeah, the media will survive, she said, rolling on the floor laughing. Nothing is a surer cause for the death penalty than publicly putting a questionable spin on der fuehrer's remarks. Haven't totalitarian states always been characterized by a free press?

Obama may not be a totalitarian himself -- quite possibly he's just entirely clueless -- but he's creating a government that can easily go that way. He's greasing the skids and fixing the levers of control for a monster fascist government. Others even less committed to the idea of individual freedom will exploit that apparatus. It's totally predictable. It's happened before over and over again. When you nationalize and centralize political and economic power it almost always ends up in the wrong hands. We can already see, looking at Washington DC, that it's become an irresistable temptation. Just cast a glance at Nancy Pelosi, Tim Geithner, and Rambo Emanuel. Most congressman just can't say no to junkets and all the other crap they get as perks from lobbyists.

So, Ms. Roesgen, peddle your b.s. somewhere else. Don't pretend to be unbiased. Fox News doesn't. They tell you where they're coming from. They invite people to dispute their views. Fox is the Number One cable news network. CNN no doubt believes they're Number Two (or Three??) because Americans are crude and stupid.... See... they can't explain a lack of support in any other way. They can't possibly imagine that they could be... dare I say it... wrong and flagrantly biased. And everyone knows it.

I've worked as a journalist so I've been exposed almost relentlessly to liberals -- and I watch Fox because I value information. The person who tells the story owns the issues. This is just a fact. The very words they use, the videos they use, the background they gather, reflects their bias. There's no way around that. All you can do is to present the other side, which Fox News does.

And thank Rupert Murdoch for Fox, or we'd all be screwed, with nothing but little Susan Roesgens running around trying to convince people that white is black and wrong is right because she says so, or rather the Great Savior Rock Star President Obama says so.

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