Tuesday, April 7, 2009

"The Plan" exposed

Please take a look at my blog for March 19. I claimed that all the uproar over the AIG bonuses was a big scam that was probably instigated by the government. And surely it was supported by the government, with SEIU union members and apparently Acorn people being those protesting the loudest. The whole thing just didn't look spontaneous, though why even Obama's government would fire up such a flap was something of a mystery.

Well, apparently the truth is coming out. On Fox News, Judge Napolitano (not the Homeland Security person, but a federal judge who is a frequent commentator) said he'd spoken to a banker who attended the meeting Obama had with bankers. This was around the time of the anti-bonus protests.

This banker doesn't want to be identified for reasons that may become apparent.

The banker said that at this meeting with Obama, the bankers were told to take TARP money or they could face a five-year audit. And the audit would likely cast a cloud over the bank and frighten off customers and shareholders.

A reportedly direct quote from Obama: "My administration is the only thing separating you from the pitchforks."

"Pitchforks" seems to refer to the SEIU anti-bonus protesters, as well as the Acorn members who hired a bus to tour the private homes of executives who had received bonuses from AIG. That is, shake their sorry little fists in the front windows of these people, who received bonuses according to existing contracts, and with government approval only weeks before.

If all this is true, it's criminal extortion. Particularly given Tim Geithner's direktif that he believes he has the authority to fire and/or replace any executive at any bank that accepted TARP money, as well as any other corporate executive he decides to pick on.

I think he has a Napoleon complex. Like a lot of very short people get to be very aggressive over-achievers to compensate for their lack of height. I suspect Geithner was a star in his high school's Chess Club and probably hated gym. He gets defensive and overly aggressive when questioned.... Hmmm not sure of himself, or not sure of his legal ground?

A number of banks have tried to give back the TARP funds, but the government now won't let them. They should put the money in some kind of escrow account, and when Tiny Tim tries to push them around, just offer to return the money -- and invite the press to cover the incident. The networks probably wouldn't, but maybe Fox would.

Judge Napolitano said he wanted the bankers to come forward and speak up, even possibly file charges against Obama. They should.

This is a genuine outrage. Another one. They're getting tedious.

Meanwhile, Obama himself was over in Europe, not only kissing prominent butts there (or actually, not kissing, even when it would have been appropriate), but also selling out the USA. US financial institutions now are supposed to comply with regulations set by some European authority. Who, I don't know. The UN? That's probably the most corrupt political organization in the world.

Apart from the UN's accounting difficulties and the phenomenon of its disappearing funds, I haven't yet forgotten that France and apparently Germany were sending Saddam Hussein's Iraq supplies in trade for oil -- in violation of UN sanctions. This should have been a real scandal, but the press hardly touched it. I think it was one reason, maybe the primary reason, that France and Germany would not join the USA in opposing Hussein. They were on the gravy train and apparently willing to let Al Qaeda bomb even their own citizens in order to keep the gravy coming.

So, the USA now is going to become "1 of 20" petty trash socialist democracies?

Thank you, Mr. Obama. You've given me another reason to do as much as I can to try to defeat every damn thing you do.

We must vote out the Democrat majority in the next election before all this crap becomes so entrenched we can't get out of it. And keep our fingers crossed that the Republicans will be any better.

Our freedom is at stake. It really is.

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