Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Les pleurnichards (French crybabies)

Seems the French are rioting over conservative (only in France!) President Sarkozy's plan to raise the retirement age from 60 to 62. A-w-w-w-w. How can they stand such torture of senior citizens?

Many French buttheads are in the streets raising hell, breaking windows, etc. If they have enough energy to do that, surely they can work to age 62? Or perhaps those are the 60-year-olds out there. The government is spoiling their plans for an extended vacation?

Just saw Daniel Hannon, Brit member of the EU, on Cavuto. Hannon says this is what happens when you have an infantilized population. True.

I noticed a long time ago -- having worked in union shops -- that if you treat people like children, they tend to respond that way. Take away their goodies, and they throw a temper tantrum. Like the French, or the Greeks from a a few months back. On the other hand, if you address people like adults who can and will assume responsibility for their own lives, people tend to respond like adults -- accepting the reality of state bankruptcy and cooperating to do something about it.

Hannon made the same observation. He also noted how peculiar that as Europeans are in the streets protesting spending cuts, the American Tea Party is in the streets protesting government spending. Interesting. Guess there's still hope for us after all.

In an article in the newsletter from Hillsdale College, Mark Steyn noted that many Europeans have been severely infantilized over several decades. They expect to be babied and coddled and have some good uncle (reminds me of Unkl Addie, as in Hitler) look after them and take care of them cradle to grave.

I don't know. I don't trust that our Uncle Sam has even the vaguest notion about what I want from my life. He can keep his government cheese. I'd rather not have to pay for more than "my share" over my entire lifetime.

There's some kind of public forum tonight in my district, Rep. Bean(head) may show up. She makes so few public appearances here in the district. And of course, her opponent, Joe Walsh -- no, unfortunately not the guy who's a member of the Eagles band. I like him anyway. Better than Bean(head). I'm trying to go and for a change, actually have the time. I'm just afraid I'll go off like some kind of maniac and ask her what the hell she was thinking when she saddled us all with socialized medicine. Not that I'd get an answer.

Enough for now.

Save the Republic!

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