Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Voters are scared?

A comment from the Comrade that's been getting a lot of play in the press is that he says "Voters are scared, and they're not hard-wired to think clearly when they're scared."

Interesting. First of all, when you're scared, your adrenalin starts pumping. All of your senses go into overdrive, and your brain starts working really, really fast -- assessing escape routes, evaluating the possibility of surviving a confrontation, etc. The question is not one of thinking clearly, but what you think about -- SURVIVAL.

Actually, you begin thinking with a desperate sort of clarity. Your objectives loom large and all the clutter about whether you should have bought those shoes on sale, or if he really loves you -- all that just goes away.

The Comrade and his merry marxists have put the nation into a situation where we have to consider whether or not we are going to survive. Scared? I'll say.

Is that a reason to vote for the dems? Perhaps they didn't single-handedly create the mess the nation is in, but  they are responsible for making it much, much worse. They crow about the debt George W left, and then happily triple it in less than two years.

And I'm not only scared about the national debt, but how it translates into a loss of personal freedom.

One effective way to take away peoples' freedom is to take away their money -- as in "taxes." I'm not complaining about any particular tax, just the whole lump of them all together. We already work five or six months out of the year to pay our federal income tax.  Most people don't notice how much it is because taxes are withheld from their paychecks; they never have the money in their hands. To wage earners -- look at your withholding, and figure how many hours you put in to support this out-of-control government. And if you're a business owner or an independent contractor, you're well aware how much harder you  have to work every year -- or every quarter or month -- just to pay those taxes. They are crippling.

Debt isn't that scary. I'm pretty deep in debt, but most of the debt I owe is to the state and federal government. I'm not too worried about it, because I know I can pay it... IF I'M FREE TO MAKE A LIVING.

It's that last part that's getting kind of iffy. The Comrade can flush his socialized medicine, food stamps, even Social Security and Medicare. Just keep his slimy crawling claws off my freedom. I'll be fine, as long as I can operate as a free agent in the free market -- and that's the freedom that he's destroying.

So am I scared? Yeah, I'm terrified. And I'm thinking hyper-clearly, fight-or-flee response fully engaged. And  what I'm terrified of is the Comrade and the Big Marxist Government he represents. Everything else I can handle.

Save the Republic!

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