Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Comrade gets an inkling

Wanted to write last night but had other things to do. But couldn't let the so-called "tax compromise" pass without comment.

Looking like he was sprayed by a skunk, the Comrade announced last night that the Bush Tax Cuts will be extended for all Americans for at least two years -- two years for what the Comrade calls, "the millionaires and billionaires," and apparently forever for everyone else. Everyone also will get a 2% cut on Social Security withholding taxes, and unemployment benefits will be extended for another 13 months. At least that's the suggestion the Comrade is making -- congress still has to pass all this.

So has it finally dawned on the Comrade that he doesn't have the nation behind him? That only about 20% of the population, if that, still supports his marxist tendencies?

Still, what pisses me off more than anything is the Comrade's and his supporters' assumption that they have some "right" to simply seize the revenues of private citizens. Maybe McConnell and Boehmer reminded him     that US courts continue to support private property rights. Or, more likely, they just dangled the Comrade out the window by his heels.

Anyways, I suppose the Comrade sooner or later had to admit -- even to himself -- that nobody likes him anymore and that he will no longer enjoy the slobbering, indiscriminate, and groveling support of the congress.

What's even funnier is that Bill Maher -- and I imagine a number of other rabid, envious and greedy liberals -- are walking around stunned senseless. OMG, someone's put the brakes on grand theft? What the hell has the nation come to? You can't methodically strip private citizens of their personal belongings, not even "millionaire and billionaire?" What next? People buying their own insurance -- and any kind of coverage they want? What a slap in the face. According to Maher's et. al. view of the world, all us little peons are supposed to be grateful for the pitiful debacle Pazzo Pelosi and Nero Reid staged in congress -- completely ignoring not only the Constitution, but the very openly stated will of the people.

And you know, of course, the Comrade hasn't got one chance in hell of being re-relected anyway in 2012, but maybe he's convinced himself that he'll be able to win over conservative hearts and minds. I don't think so. I'll never forget the hard hand of his arrogance and the vicious bite of his stupid policies. I'm no more inclined to fund the early retirement of SEIU and AUW workers now than I was a year ago. And I can't imagine changing those views.

Most of all, though, I really want to thank McConnell and Boehmer and all the other Republicans who met with the Comrade about this. Who knows, maybe they offered him to let him buy Medicare Advantage, or excused him from socialized medicine all together. Or maybe they just brought in the poll statistics from the last election. "Hey, Barry, did you get a look at this at all?"

Save the Republic.

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