Monday, December 13, 2010

Socialized medicine ruled "Unconstitutional"

Interesting news day so far. Where to start?

In Virginia, a federal judged has ruled that, no, congress can't twist and pervert the Constitution's commerce clause so badly out of shape that it can be interpreted to mean: "You will buy health insurance."

That is, the socialized medicine bill is unconstitutional, unless the merry marxists can find some other weird provision in the law, as written, to force us all to bow to their fantasy wishes.

Ha Ha. Told ya so.

I'm so happy I'm having a hard time trying to think about anything else. Just basking in the ecstasy.

Of course, the feds -- or whomever wants to defend this piece of crap legislation -- will take the whole thing to the Supreme Court probably.

So here we have the dems whining about how much it would "cost" to NOT raise taxes by ending the Bush Tax Cuts, and here's a major way to cut about $3 TRILLION out of the budget over the next five years -- NO SOCIALIZED MEDICINE.

See how nice that all works out?

Meanwhile, some wingnut is burning down houses on Cape Cod after spray-painting them with "Hate the Rich" slogans. Anyone know where Pazzo Pelosi was this weekend?

Saving the Republic!

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