Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Hypocrisy on stilts, or show me the head of Usama bn Ladn

Last night I went to the Web site of a radio show I sometimes listen to at night. The show kind of specializes in off-beat topics. Including rants from wingnut conspiracy theorist Alex Jones. I don't listen when he's on.

Anyway, this Web site had a poll open for votes about the death of bn Ladn. Three choices -- you could vote that yeah, they got the right guy. No, they didn't get the right guy. Or it's all a conspiracy.

Guess which option was leading? Had to laugh. However, must admit, until I see some photos, I'm not entirely convinced. I mean, really, we should respect Satan's religion and "bury" him within 24 hours?

When did he ever respect western religion? And people who believe islam is somehow related to peace claim that bn Ladn was not a "real" muslim anyway. So why bother? Except to get rid of the evidence? The least they could have done is let him "lie in state" at Guantanamo and let the vultures pick his eyes out. Invite the international press to document the whole thing.

At any rate, whether or not bn Ladn is dead, I find it rather disconcerting that the Comrade is trying to make political hay over it. After all, the Comrade and the merry marxists, like Pazzo Pelosi, last year this time were accusing the CIA of being liars and torturers. Now the Hypocrite-in-Chief loves the intelligence agency and is willing to stake his political future on information it's gathered.

Funny things happen when you're launching a re-election campaign and your approval rating is hovering around 40%.

If events unfolded as related -- and that is a possibility -- I do have to give Comrade Butthead credit for issuing the "go." After all, wimp lump Bill "Can't-keep-it-zipped" Clinton had two opportunities to annihilate bn Ladn, and he choked in both cases. Apparently his wife has more guts. Or perhaps desperation is at work here.

And I totally resented the Comrade trying to link the assassination of bn Ladn with the Comrade's socialist economic policies. At the end of his speech, the Comrade noted that America can do anything it sets its mind to, including regaining prosperity.

However, we can only regain prosperity if and when we dump the Comrade.

And it's been a hoot listening to the broadcasters on all the TV/radio stations confusing the names Osama and Obama. They're practically interchangeable, after all.

Save the Republic.

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