Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Another utopian budget... but why?

Well, I haven't read the Comrade's budget proposal, which was revealed today, and I don't really plan to. By all accounts, it's just a waste of paper. A rehash of the last three years. Karl Rove even noted that some of the supposed "budget cuts" the Comrade lists were cuts made long ago, or are cuts like, "Well, in 2018, we won't be spending money on the war in Afghanistan."

Good grief, let's hope not.

So what's the point? I supposed the Comrade is bound by tradition if nothing else, to propose a budget. I suppose he'd rather be golfing.

But more seriously, even Brain-dead Harry Reid, democrat leader of the Senate majority, says he won't bring the Comrade's budget to the floor to be discussded and voted on. That is to say, even ol' Brain-dead understands the budget proposal is useless, stupid, and a total waste of time.

So why propose it?

You might recall that the Comrade's 2008 presidential campaign involved a lot of fantasy, like "Hope and change." All for the positive. With him in office, he claimed, we'd all be living in a land of milk and honey, with endless opportunities and limitless wealth.

Yeah, sure. But apparently enough naive voters were -- and perhaps still are -- so willing to indulge in such brainless wishful thinking that it won the Comrade the White House.

I'm betting the Comrade thinks this will work again. Sort of like the old Arpege commercial: "Promise them anything, but give them.... " What? Marxism?

I'm sure the Comrade sincerely believes in his little marxist utopia. That's why he's so dedicated to selling it. And I'm sure he thinks all these empty, stupid promises can win him another term.

His strategy is simple. He says, "Look, I'm promising you people the world. Free. Just vote for me and you will have everything you ever dreamed of."

Which is ridiculous and impossible on the face of it.

And when all this cotton-candy fantasy fails to materialize, he blames the Republicans. "Oh, we could have such a perfect world except for John Bohner and Mitch McConnell."

Yeah -- well, the truth is, the last budget the Comrade proposed did get voted on, and it was voted DOWN 97 - 0 in the democratic Senate.

This time, Brain-dead Harry Reid apparently wants to spare the Comrade the embarrassment of being so resoundingly rejected (and probably snickered about) a second time.

And the Republicans don't have anything to say about it. The democrats have the senate majority. They could pass it in a heartbeat. But even the democrats understand it's pointless, detached from reality, and just another empty campaign promise. Enough broken promises already -- many of them also have to run for re-election next year. They don't want have to defend their support for this kind of garbage.

But you can put money on the fact that the Comrade will be parading around during his next campaign, talking about how those mean devils in congress just keep standing in his way.

And thank God for that.

Save the Republic.

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