Saturday, February 11, 2012

Can you marry marxism with Christianity?


Every time time the Comrade claims to be a "Christian," I sort of snort. Before he believes in any kind of God or spirituality, everything he says and does, and apparently even thinks, is right out of the marxist handbook.

Marx did not believe in any kind of spirituality. According to Marx, we evolved from dirt through continuous and irresolvable fights over the ownership of material things.

Marxism is so grim, unimaginative, and pointless, it makes human life just sort of useless and pathetic all together. You get up and go to work for the sole purpose of making enough money to get up and go to work tomorrow. The only purpose any Marxist has is to be a slave to the state. The peons are supposed to hold that as a "virtue."

And maybe someday, you can run for President of the USA, and drive around in a big jet and be surrounded by the Secret Service.

Marx was all about materialism -- and not the Madonna kind of materialism, but the kind that says, to quote from Reap the Wild Wind, -- "Laying in the mud, man looked up and saw the stars. And thought they were something to eat."

That's Marx.

Has that got anything to do with Christianity?

Well, they're both faith-based and neither has been absolutely proved.

But Christianity exalts aspiration, joyousness, family, civility, and if you're Jesuit, even intellectuality. Christiantiy applauds achievement and personal development, and above all, a personal conscience and self-directed, responsible, ethical behavior. Judaism the same. (For me, the jury's still out on Islam.)

Marxism does not. Marxism insists we're exactly the same, interchangeable cogs in the big wheel of a univerisal and absolutely authoritarian government. You do what you are told by someone else, whoever's in power. To do, own, want more than anyone else marks you as socially undesirable, especially if you exercise your own capacity for rational thought and insist on making personal judgments. In marxist cultures this gets you killed.

Marxism and Christiantiy cannot occupy the same space -- hence the suppression of religion in the Soviet Union and most ofther marxist nations. And I think that's what the Comrade and the rest of the nation is beginning to figure out. He's trying very hard to suppress religion here. It competes against his own beliefs, and cannot be allowed to exist in his marxist utopia.

The Comrade, of course, is all for the superiority of the state. That's his "fundamental transformation" of America. Take away personal liberty, personal property, freedom and happiness in trade for socialized medicine.

Sound good to you? Think about it and exercise your own judgment about it -- while you still can.

Save the Republic.

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